when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

CH2 Story #2: Getting My Cheese On :)

"The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. " ~ unknown

I may not have my life all figured out (...who does??), I certainly do not know where my professional life will progress to by next year and I am still wondering around the park of "what do I want to do when I grow up?". But what I do know is that I am on some path leading me to a place where it will all eventually piece together. I am that second mouse who gets the cheese :)

For the past year I've faced the ups and the downs, the slumps and the turn arounds leaving me with little continuity in any one direction. Roller-coaster ride aside,  I still acknowledge all my blessings.  I have a loving family and caring friends that give me space to breathe when needed, that gentle nudge to keep me moving and a cold slap in the face when I need to wake up. I have met many interesting strangers who are eager to share their stories and just as interested in hearing mine. We begin our conversation with a sincere smile and hello ending in a hug and a reluctant goodbye. We part ways only hoping to one day cross paths again to hear how our lives have grown. As I count my blessings I have decided to beat the groggy get out of bed feeling and to just jump out of bed in one jolt.

*drum roll please!!* I will now put all your questions to rest about the entertainment biz and the role it played in my life over the past couple of years. Ever since planning my trip to South Korea towards the end of 2011 and despite the rejuvenating experience and strong motivations I came back with, I did not continue with acting or modeling. In the start of 2012, I took a month of dance classes in various genres leaving me four months out of the entertainment scene. The aftereffect left me in a state where a mix of laziness and the practicality of it all held me back from pursuing it any further. As the new 2013 year started I have been fondling with the ideas of going back to work, going to grad school for education or psychology, OR doing both at the same time! I have looked into the Big Brothers Big Sisters program where I will hopefully get my little soon, I am currently finishing a course to get my 21E teaching certificate which will help me teach students how to read, I am searching and applying for jobs, sprinkle some Facebook time and Email reading with an Emeril's sized dash of Korean Dramas ("let's kick it up a notch...BAM!") and to throw in a little surprise...I started doing auditions again!

Today I auditioned for a Merk & Company's photoshoot. It was a standard audition, stand, turn, smile, pose, 3-4 shots and done. But tomorrow...is a whole new realm in auditioning for me. It's for a part in a Nike ad/commercial (they don't tell me the details) where I will be going through a few drills lead by a trainer! I found out about this on Tuesday when they asked if I had a six-pack...I emailed back saying yes...so that gave me two days to reverse all my late night chips, reese's, pringles, doritos, ramen binges. Let's see if that left me enough time to impress them!! ;p

More updates to come!
Mucho <3