when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Story #76: 'Tis the Season of Giving

'Tis the Season of Giving -- A Hopeful Sign

Sasha Dichter: The Generosity Experiment from TED Blog on Vimeo.

Sasha Dichter's Blog on generosity
Acumen Fund
Husk Power Systems

The holiday of gratitude where we are able to emphasize thankfulness passes and enters into our last month of the year where our journey through a wintry wonderland begins. It's like a new realm, where another sector of feelings are to be emphasized. And we begin:

Generosity...kindness...happiness...and...warmth, a few of the most powerful and uplifting feelings we are reminded of when, ironically, the cold winter season comes around. A state of nostalgia reminds us of past events that overwhelm our insides with strong emotions and our spirit with hope and enlightenment. The secret ingredient needed to keep brewing warm tidings during the holiday season is the celestial magic. It's the boost of optimism that keeps us sane and strayers away from depression. Positive reinforcements of thinking about others, doing good deeds through generosity and kindness, and individual improvements through reflection has a wondrously calming effect that composes the ultimate holiday masterpiece: happiness and warmth. Not to be a complete saint during these times, being placed on the other side...on the reciprocating end of these ordeals, it may seem selfish or even greedy. OR, to follow the route of optimism and the celestial ride through the holiday magic, maybe it's that we are just humans that want to be loved. It's feeling that we are needed, appreciated and wanted. And it's through these actions and words that all the yearned feelings above may be confirmed.

Anyways, the act of giving has always been an important aspect of my life and fosters the same emotional stimulation as helping someone would. I love seeing others smile. I love seeing them happy. I love seeing them want to be the best person they can be. Being a witness to them in their best physical, emotional and psychological state is...amazing. This act of helping and giving goes beyond the satisfaction of making a difference in someone else's life. It's solely about the other person. About being their shoes, and as them, being in the state of relative perfection.

SO, what's new in my life? The New Year's Eve movie was released in theaters this past Friday, and if you remember, NYE was one of the first productions that I worked on when I started down the modeling and acting path. And to my excitement, I did get some face time! Maybe I should and maybe I shouldn't be so excited since it's only background work, but what can I say...I'm pretty happy :)

After a nap and several movies, I arrive in Korea to find myself, in a not so surprising area...a restaurant, where I scarf down food as if I haven't eaten in a month. Being in a different country with such delicious food, who would be able to resist the temptations of food? Let's just hope this pattern does not keep up for every meal, three times a day for three weeks. Pictures and more details will be in the next post!

More updates to come....FROM KOREA!!!
Mucho <3

Monday, December 5, 2011

Story #75: Winter Days

Dear Santa,

I have tried my best to be a good girl all year. I don't know if you can deliver non-material things, but all I want for Christmas is to get a hold on life and to have a happy ending to my seemingly never ending journey to finding the right career for me. If not, I'll take a Visa gift card $xxx.

Thank you! Good luck with getting all the presents out in time to all the good children!

Stay Jolly!
Yours Truly,

Note: This post is long due to the amount of pictures in it

So where did I leave off last? Ahh, all the pictures that I did not post in October! I still cannot post the Nike pictures since they still have not come out with their material, but I have pictures from the Gala held in Boston and GCC's anniversary service where I learned baking in mass is better done in smaller batches than in fewer large ones.
Silk Road Gala 2011
These pictures do not do justice to how beautiful the room was
GCC's Anniversary Service!
Half the batch: Pumpkin Bars, Carrot Cake, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Sugar Cookies, Oatmeal Cookies
2nd Half: Chocolate Fudge Cake, Pumpkin Bars, Carrot Cake, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Sugar Cookies, Oatmeal Cookies

Continuing from the last post, Blue Bloods was fun, as usual, and I believe I got as much face time as you could get on that show. I guess we'll just have to see when they air it. I got my hair done, met old friends, and made a few new ones. As for the pictures, don't judge, I know I haven't been keeping up with my exercising, eating healthy and sleeping at a reasonable hour, but I DID just recently start fixing my bad habits. It's been a little shaky, but hopefully it will keep getting better.

The next worthy-to-mention November event was my reunion with my pledge sisters in the Big Apple! Having a girls night out with dinner, a movie, and chit chatting is a mandatory thing in a girl's life in order to stay sane. Boys/Men...you may want to respect that. We're crazy as it is, could you imagine what life would be like for yourself if you didn't encourage us to have our Girl's Night Out??

The Birthday Cake Aftermath. Thank you for making my birthday extra special!! <3<3<3
Vegging out on the couch (watching a movie)

Next stop, Maryland! Not only did I actually exercise a lot (which was exciting for me :P ) but I had an AMAZING time with one of my closest friends. There were many laughs, many talks and MANY hilarious moments that I wish you were all there for...but then again, it might have just been hilarious to us.

Getting ready for our night out in DC

More cropped pictures are on my Facebook (the outfits we tried on before heading out were a little ridiculous) :)

Onward to Thanksgiving. Since my oldest brother couldn't make it to our annual family dinner with the extended family, we had two Thanksgivings! nomnomnom Unfortunately, I only have pictures from my Uncle's house (I don't think it would be appropriate to post my mom in her non-sober state)
The Women :)
The original Wong's
I also baked cakes and cookies for my mom's good friend's surprise birthday. I baked a Carrot Cake, Chocolate Chip Cookies and a Green Tea Cake. Here's the Green Tea Cake...thankfully it turned out well and was a hit!

The final piece was much more decorated.
Now for some updated news. Recently, I did a gig on an MTV Prank Show pilot. I was portrayed as a Japanese School girl.

The star of the show is being camera shy :p
Me and my "Japanese" classmates. We're off to Go go's festival...the most famous dog in Japan!! We even had a theme song for Go go
And finally, the most exciting news of all!!! This Sunday I will be on the plane to Korea for 3 weeks! I am so so excited. Not to worry, I will have updates and new posts for all of you on a timely basis. Get ready so see scrumpdillyumptious food!

Stay tuned for my adventures in Korea!
Mucho <3