when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Story #1: The new kid on the block

1. Lit. a child who has just moved to a certain neighborhood.
2. Fig. the newest person in a group.
~ Thanks to Farlex

As the new kid on the block I feel as though some sort of introduction may be in order. (I forewarn all readers, I have never been a great writer, so please bear with me, thanks!) 

I grew up in the lovely state of New Jersey...yes, I said lovely. I know there are a few Jersey haters out there, and the reality shows on TV - The Real Housewives of New Jersey, the all-popular Jersey Shore, the infamous  Jerseylicious (??) - are not exactly helping, but I will say, I couldn't have asked for a better are to grow up in. Safe neighborhoods, great school systems, lots of green grass, I'd continue, but...moving on, I spent my earlier childhood exploring all life could offer to a slightly tomboyish girl. I played all sports ranging from soccer, to tennis, to water skiing. As expected from the stereotype of Asians, I played the piano and violin. I collected rocks and pins, went to school, and celebrated birthdays. The happy days of the young and innocent.

Around 4th grade I decided to make tennis as my official sport-to-be. Basically, from middle school up until college, my life consisted of two things and two things only -- tennis and school. So, life up until and through college was pretty standard considering the general guidelines of the norms of society. My minimal expected education consisted of a Bachelors Degree. My extracurriculars in college consisted of tennis, intramural volleyball, the "enchanted" sorority life with Sigma Psi Zeta, my own sort of leadership building, and making sure my college life was full of fun, love and laughter. I mean, at the end of the day, no matter what path you take, you're going to journey through life. So you ought to make the most of it; both the good and the bad.

And now...

As much as I enjoy winding down from the sixteen straight years of education, I find myself sitting in my room in awe realization that I am still unemployed and jobless. Not by choice necessarily, nor due the ever-so useful excuse of "the lack of jobs during this unstable economy", but by chance...perhaps? 

I am here today not knowing what I want to do. For more reasons than one, I am stumbling in my own self-doubt. Will my life amount to nothing? Did I just go through 16 years of education to end up working at McDonalds? Will I forever be living under the roof of my parents? ..... okay, so things are not that dramatic, BUT I am struggling to find what it is I really want to do. I have finally reached a point in my life where things were not laid out; where I now have to write and narrate the stories to my own life. 

So here I am...when my life meets reality... 


  1. I can't say I empathize with you since I'm still a student, but I understand your situation and I can sense what you're going through. This is a big transitional stage in your life and I know that idleness can be frightening. But this is a time in your life when you are figuring out what you really want to do, trying to find that purpose in life. Don't be afraid to take things slowly. You may have to go through and experience different things before you discover your passion so don't hold back on going for things you're not sure about. And when in doubt or anxiety or frustration... look up! You know who's always there for you.

  2. "Did I just go through 16 years of education to end up working at McDonalds?"

    With a Penn degree, at least you won't be unoriginal =P
