when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Story #7: Age ...

...is a matter of feeling, not of years.
Author: George William Curtis
~ Thanks to WorldofQuotes

So, today's my 23rd birthday!!!...but I still look like I'm in HS (apparently hah). Gotta love the Asian genes. Hopefully, I will always look younger than I my age...if I do, than all of this underage and being carded twice in one place non-sense will all be worth it. :)

I must say, this year was the first year in a long time where I was really excited for my birthday. For some reason I've been so giddy. I would say that I have no idea why, but I'm pretty sure it's has something do with all of the wonderful surprises I've been getting for the past couple of days. Hey...I'm a girl, I'm supposed to love presents and attention!! But for reals, thank you to my parents and everyone else for the amazing gifts and surprises. I feel so spoiled because I got so many things. ♥ ♥ ♥

Back to business...

Since my background in acting is pretty limited, I am trying to think outside of the box on how else I can make myself stand out and be more of an asset. I guess a plus on my side is that I'm pretty athletic (thanks to my dad) so sports are a go. What I wish I could do better was dance and sing, I love to dance and sing, and it's not like I can't keep a beat or am tone deaf, but I'm just not great at it. So, I've decided to get into dancing again. One of my best friends from college got me into Latin dancing (primarily salsa and bachata), so I'm going to pick it back up. At least once a week I will be going to a salsa class or social outing! I already went to my first HotSalsaHot class last Thursday. It felt so good to be back on the dance floor.

Today I had an appointment to get my make-up done at Blue Mercury, but this time for a Bobbi Brown event!! I did not get the chance to take pictures at the event, BUT I did buy stuff, and I did take pictures of it.

I bought (Order of first picture: back row, left to right and then Front row, left to right):
- Conditioner for my brush...to clean it
- Skin Foundation
- Brightening Spot Treatment Corrector (white box/tube)
- Illuminating Bronzing Powder
- Smoldering Eye Palette
- Rich Color Gloss
- Tinted Eye Brightener
- Gel Eyeliner

Samples I got:
- Lathering Tube Soap
- Hydrating Face Tonic
- Hydrating Face Cream
- Eye Repair Cream

These are the most of what she used on me today and I can't wait to use them again!! So many new things I have never used before and so many new techniques to try and perfect. Wish me luck!

Things to look forward to in upcoming Story#: More posing pics, updates on modeling/acting/future jobs

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