when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sit Back and Relax

Although this wintry season hold lots of joy and fun making you wish that Christmas was every day, in all honesty, it does take a lot of pent up energy to hit that big Christmas boom of excitement and a lot of preparation ranging from gift buying to dinner making to hosting and socializing. So now that Christmas Day has officially ended, it's time to wind down a little and just bask in the left over holiday spirits of 2010. You know why? Because soon enough the celebration of the New Year will be here!! woot woot!

To help out  your relaxation time, here are a few videos to make those smiles last: (there is a variety...I'm sure you will find one that you will enjoy)
The Cup Size Choir
I Just Had Sex
High School Football Player Hurdles Defender
Awesome Laser Illusionist
Little Superstar
Lucky Little Kid Avoids Collision
3 Year Old is an Amazing Finger Painter

See you all after January 2nd, there's more to come!

Mucho <3

Friday, December 24, 2010

A Moment to Remember


Due to my families travel plans, our Christmas Eve became our Christmas Day. So, to top off my hectic day of running around and trying to finish my powerpoint i made for my family, we got to open ALL our presents. There were so many pretty presents to give, and so many wonderful presents to receive. And as I do every year, I played the role of Ms. Santa Claus where I gave out all the presents. I think My family hit an all time high for present giving this year. BUT, as we all know, Christmas is NOT all about receiving presents, nor is just about giving presents. If you're religious, you have the religious side to double up on the meaning of Christmas, but for those who are not, the basic purpose of Christmas is about family and friends coming together. To be in each others company and of course, to take a day off from work and/or school...haha. But seriously, for some reason, more this year than ever, I really enjoyed Christmas in a more deeper sense. I don't know how to explain it, but everything just meant more to me. Which is probably why I made a Christmas powerpoint for my family. :P


Do you ever have those moments where time freezes and you are hit with a feeling of nostalgia? It's not quite a happy-ecstatic type of feeling, but its not a sad feeling, by all means. And it's not the plain feeling of being content either. It's more of a calm heart warming feeling where you can't help but have a little grin on your face. Every so often that overwhelming feeling fills me up from head to toe. Maybe you can relate?

Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!!

I should have internet tomorrow night at the hotel, but I have no idea if there is internet on the cruise ship. What ever happens...stay tuned, there's more to come.

Mucho <3

 Baby, It's Cold Outside -- Glee Cast Version

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

3 days, 72 hours, 4320 minutes

3 days and counting!! :)

I've got salsa planned on Wednesday and Thursday, Christmas Eve lovin' on Friday, traveling to Baltimore, Maryland on Christmas, and Sunday...CRUISE!!! I will finally get some warmth and sun during the cold winter in the cold north east. I can't wait!! :)

So what's going on with your winter break? Anything special?

To keep the videos going during the Christmas Day countdown, I have ducks blown off their feet by wind. Sososo cute.

More to come.

Mucho <3

Monday, December 20, 2010

Story #9: Lights, Camera, Action!

Okay, so moving past my apologies for the lack of posts...**drumroll**...yay for the winter holidays!!

Happy happy holidays to those who do not celebrate one of my personal favorite holidays of the year...and to those who are counting down the days along side with me...we're 4 days away from CHRISTMAS!!! :)

Before you start thinking that the stage directions in the title was meant for the video...just keep reading. :)

So a few updates on my life. Besides visiting Philly a lot for friends and banquets (pictures up on facebook) and continuing with my Salsa Classes as well as Lady Styling Lessons for salsa, I am taking acting classes!! It's not that I am necessarily learning completely new ideas, but the things I do know are being built upon and are being viewed differently now that I'm putting it all into action. After being in such intense and stressful environments where I continually compared myself with peers for the past 23 year, I am somewhere...where I'm just me. There are some really amazing actors/actresses and there are some beginners, but in the class, I'm just me. I'm not better or worse than anyone else. And let me tell you, it feels good. Although, I do get a little nervous, it really has been a confidence booster. Hopefully by the end of this class I'll be able to get the basics down in acting...maybe I'll be hearing those stage directions in front of a real camera! :)

As always, more updates to come

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