when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Story #36: Working Woman

As you know, I started working in NY this past Tuesday. I am working with Julie Oh's fashion development and production firm, One Stop, that has quickly gained prominence in the industry. The skill, time, and organization that goes into running such a company is astounding. A lot more goes into it than an average person would think.

I still don't have an actual title, but I will be stepping in place for Julie Oh's daughter-in-law when she goes on her honeymoon with her son, the VP.. I will eventually oversee the development and production sides of HH (haute hippie), Betsey Johnson, and part of Theory -- a total of 5 accounts. My work hours are a little crazy and long, but it's partly due to the fact that I like it. I take the 7:27am train into NYC and get out at varying times. The first day, Tuesday, I left at around 6:40pm. Yesterday was 8:30pm and today I left around 11pm. No worries though, a lot of the late night work is really fun. Work has been slow, so I have been spending most of my time, including the late nights on helping the bride (and Julie Oh) design and put together her wedding gown, reception gown, bridesmaids dresses, flower girls dress and the menu card.

Anyways, considering my lack of sleep and long hours in NY, I'm going to crash.

More updates to come -- I'll let you know about the projects I work on and how the wedding goes!
Mucho <3

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Story #36: Hold up, wait a minute...!

Kush by Dr. Dre feat. Akon, Snoop Dogg
~ Thanks to metrolyrics

Have you ever gotten to a point in your life where every choice you make will cause you to sacrifice something else in your life? The delay in posts recently was due to a small but very important dilemma I came across. Here's the short version of the long story...

With all things considered, acting and modeling for me has been going well. Within two months, I have been given a relatively good amount of face time on camera, I have earned myself 2 out of 3 Sag waivers needed to join Sag and I have made some connections and friends. From my last post, you can see that I have been making big strides now. Well, here's where the dilemma comes in.

I want to explore the more "socially acceptable" definition of an office job. Unfortunately, the 12-15 hour work days for acting/modeling conflict with the work hours of a regular office job - although it's possible, it's very difficult to do both at the same time. So why am I bringing this up and why am I trying to make a decision about this now? Recently, I have been given a great opportunity where if I made a choice to do one thing, I would have to sacrifice another. A close family friend, a fashion designer, offered me a position to work at her place for a month. And after weighing the pros and cons, I have decided to put acting on hold and work with her. Even if I really do feel like I am making great progress in the acting/modeling industry, I think this will be a good opportunity to explore the fashion industry with the benefit of not being tied down under contract for an entire year.

I know this path I have chosen to take will be turn out to be the right one in the long run as long as I will always try my best. Let's hope that this experience will open new doors and help me answer a few questions about my future!

More updates to come.
Mucho <3

Friday, May 6, 2011

Story #35: Success!!

Of course there is no formula for success except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings. - Arthur Rubinstein
Real success is finding your lifework in the work that you love. - David McCullough
~ Thanks to The Quotations Page

Just another hard working, hectic week under my belt. Thankfully I had a day of down time between my two projects. Tuesday and Wednesday was the YSL commercial. Shoot time was at 4am and 5 am. my sleep scheduled was as follows: wake up at 9:30am on Monday (in Philly), get back to NJ at 2:30am when I eventually find out that I have a 4am call in NY. Basically pulled an all nighter because I had to pack my bags for the entire week and then catch the earliest train I could take to NY. I stayed up from whenever I got there until 1am. I woke up at 6am (I know I was late to the shoot) and literally passed out at 12:30am on Thursday. To summarize, out of 63 hours, I got 6 hours of sleep.

Anyways, I was an extra with no specific role, just a person who blended into the background. As unpleasant as the weather was and as chaotic and disorganized the set seemed to be, I had a great time. The crew was good, for the most part; the director, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, was amazing and the main character, Benjamin Millepied (what a cutie), was super nice. Benjamin is attractive, has gorgeous eyes, and a sexy accent. To make things even better, he is a superb dancer and a good conversationalist. During the million takes of the final scene, we were able to make jokes about different things on set and talk about dancing. Maybe one day he'll want to salsa with me! :P

After my much needed rest on Thursday, I had the Charles Schwab shoot at 8:45am on Friday. It was the best experience I have ever had. I had a pretty important role - the daughter of an Asian family. Not that they will be using a lot of the photos they took, but I was definitely in a lot of shots. Besides building successful relationships with my "mom", "dad" and the crew, I really hit it off with the photographer by creatively playing my character. I was able to make his life easier by giving him a lot of substance to work with. On top of being psyched about how much I will be paid from this shoot, I am definitely excited about all the new experiences I can now add to my resume. The photographer is even going to write me a recommendation! What a great week!

Well, I think that's all the updates I have for now. I hope you all had great weeks as well and had the chance to enjoy the wonderful weather we had on Friday!

More updates to come
Mucho <3

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Following Stars: Johnnyphlo

First time I saw Johnnyphlo was at a Kollaboration concert during KASCON XXIII (the best Kascon ever!!!). Although he was only able to perform a few songs, he was able to present himself in a very memorable way. With the few songs he sang he was able to capture the audience's attention with his personality and continued to keep everyone engaged through his music.

After the concert I was able to meet him, and he lived up to my expectations. He was just as amazing off the stage as he was on the stage. Talented, honest, modest, funny and kind. I wish him the best of luck!!

Go "like" his Fan Page!! You can also read more about how he was inspired to pursue music and more.

More updates are SURE to come!!
Mucho <3