when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Story #60: Bake-off...

...with myself??

I'm so excited. Even though I wish I took a little more time and was a little more careful, I am very happy and proud of how they came out. But now that I know what I'm doing (well I kind of know what I'm doing), hopefully next time I will be even MORE happy with the results. I wish you could see the cakes in person, they look much better than the photos below (they were both for a fellowship diner):

The start of my fondant making experience

Left Cake was 99% covered in fondant and the cake on the left was a ganache covering with fondant strip on the bottom and squiggles

Oh, I also made these KILLER chocolate chip cookies...a recipe my brother sent me. They are amazing. Well, I think they were amazing. Best I've ever had at least.

Anyways, in honor of my newfound dedication to baking a lot for the rest of this year, I went to Michael's and bought a lot of baking utensils and glitter! There's a 50% off of one item coupon that you can print right off their website...I think within 2 days I went there 4 times and used at least 5 coupons. My mother taught me well :p

Finally, about work-work. I'm debating on whether or not I should just take the week off...I'm thinking and assuming that the lack of work is a mixture of downtime in shows and me being cycled out from the casting system. Meaning that there are moments when I will be super busy and others where I will rarely be used...which would be now. Plus, this way I can finally just relax and focus on things I want to do instead of having this subconscious anxiety of fear in missing phone calls.

Next on my list to bake for the week (not finalized): a fruit tart, two cakes, a cheesecake and truffles. There will be pictures at the end of the week! :)

More updates to come.
Mucho <3

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