when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Story #62: Short, quick and fun

I definitely traveled for a longer amount of time than I spent actually working. I had a 6:15 am call time and got wrapped at 9am. And of those 2 hours and 45 min, I worked maybe 10 min. And as usual on Blue Bloods, background doesn't do much...at all. We were so far in the distance that I don't even think you could see us as a blurry figure!...sadness. But hopefully, I'll get paid for the 8 hours. At least the early wrap time allowed me to run some errands, go to the bank, return some clothes, go shopping (NY = dropping money = sad face). I was done so early in the day, that even after all the walking, talking and shopping, I still caught the 1pm train home.

There was some good news and okay news that came within the short day.  Good news, I made friends with one of the directors...he's so cool! He looks like an old time tennis coach! haha. Anyways, I'm really grateful for the conversation we had. It was both inspiring and eye opening. To start, his family has a history of cancer, and he was eventually diagnosed with it twice in his life, he was told that he would only have a couple months to live. But with mind over matter and taking some serious risks, he became one of those miracle stories. He went from losing all his hair and nails in one shower, to being a healthy and inspiring man of today. He mentors at least 50 people per year and as cliche as it sounds, brings new meaning to life to others. Furthermore, he has really challenged me to look at what I'm doing and if I could be doing more; he brought an honest light to this fickle business. Although I "knew" about everything he told me...I didn't actually "know" it, you know what I mean? I knew that this business was all based on who you knew and not completely by merit. I knew that because of this, many bad actors got a break while there are many talented actors who will always struggle trying to make a name for themselves. But I guess, I never really took the time to take it all in and to be honest with myself about where I fit into all this mess. How all of this entertainment behind the scenes chaos really effected me. With that, he discouraged the idea of taking this job full time and encouraged me to pursue other areas of interest that I may have. To use my ivy college degree and to explore more. I'm young, full of energy and if I really put in the effort, I could technically jump into a few things at once and not limit myself to just acting. This way I will never have those thoughts of, what if I had done this, and I will have a back up plan if all falls through...and I won't have to start from scratch. It was good food for thought.

Anyways, no work for tomorrow, but hopefully I will be working the rest of the week. You guys will be the first ones to know!

More updates to come!
Mucho <3

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