when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Story #42: Gotta keep truckin'...why?

To be honest, as busy I have been this week with work at One Stop and getting ready for this weekend, I was a little down about not having any acting/modeling work. But you gotta just keep trucking, right?

The most rewarding things in life are the one's we have to work the hardest for. And to be honest, where ever you are in your life, if you look back and see the struggles you have gotten through and achievements you have made, small or big, you will have to admit that you've been quite successful. Maybe you're not exactly where you want to be, but with all things considered, life is and has been good. What I'm trying to say is that, I realized, that even though it's a little disappointing that I was working on set 4 days a week before working at One Stop and now I'm struggling to start again, I think that I have still done pretty well. I may have mentioned this before, but being surrounded by so many actors and actresses, you hear all the horror stories and the trials they have had to face or the difficulties they are currently going through. Or, for even the small (but important) things like getting Aftra and SAG waivers, I got mine within a couple of months, whereas it has taken years for others. And after a year or two of working, they aren't able to get a lot of work. Or looking at the experiences on different sets, non-unions are supposedly treated like trash, but on all the sets I've been on, the casts, directors, PA', wardrobe...they were all relatively supportive and nice. Even the food and craft services were pretty good. I've done well and there will always be expected dry times. So, I just gotta keep trucking, right? Now, the big question...why do I bring this up now? What made me think of this? Although I was a little bummed, yesterday I got a call from my freelance agent asking me to audition on Tuesday for a commercial or print ad. And the most exciting part was that I was requested to audition. By whom or why I don't really care because it just feels good to think that I made it far enough to get my name out there a little. :)

I say this all the time, but I'm going to say it again, behind even the darkest of clouds, there is always sunlight.

More updates to come!
Mucho <3

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