when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Story #44: Extra extra, read all about it!

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

"Extra! Extra! Newspaper boys are anachronisms in modern-day society! Read all about it!"
Paper Boy, Robot Chicken
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Cliché stock phrase from the 1890s through the 1940s used to denote breaking news! Sometimes uses "extry" or "wuxtry" to denote a New England accent! Often shouted by overzealous newsies and paperboys! A Dead Horse Trope nowadays owing to television and the internet! Related to Spinning Paper! Extra! Extra! But what does it mean? In the old days before TV, radio, and the Internet, most people who followed the news got their information from the newspapers, which were normally published at best on a daily basis. If a major story (such as the death of a President or a declaration of war) broke after the day's deadline, a newspaper might choose to print an "Extra" edition on top of their regular edition. Sometimes they were short and carried only the story itself, but more often they were identical to the earlier main edition with just the first few pages replaced. By the 1940s, though, newspapers were in competition with radio for advertising dollars, and big-city papers like the New York Times and the Montreal Gazette published four or five regular editions a day, taking any possible opportunity to publish an "extra" so they could boost circulation. Even now, papers infrequently publish short "extra" editions if a really big story breaks; many did after 9/11, for instance.
~ Thanks to tvtropes

Man, what a busy week. I'm sure all of you can relate when I say, TGIF!

As a play on words, "Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" refers to 1) obviously my post having grand news 2) it's about me being an extra!! :)

First on the news is my recap on the audition earlier this week. I'm not entirely sure what they thought about it but it was difficult. It required much more improv and creativity than most auditions, plus I'm pretty sure they preferred having a person who could converse in Chinese or Korean. All-in-all, I don't think I got it. But what I did get was a call from my pal at Casting Networks asking if I was free for work next week. I would be working with a principal character on White Collar. I'm so happy that I got a call for work! I will be part of the "mean girls" posse with the principal (character) where we will be giggling during class...something about a cute teacher?? Anyways, fitting for me was today at the studio - it's a legit studio - where I tried on my high school uniform and got a run down for hair and make-up. I feel so special! And to make things even better, this will be a three day shoot - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday! :)

I'll let you know how the first day goes when I get the chance!

More updates to come!
Mucho <3

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