when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Homework, dreams and parties...

I am a student for life. I love learning, experimenting and exploring new things. However, I am definitely a person that needs to learn hands on incorporating all my senses of sight, hearing and touching. On top of it making me more engaged in the learning process, it helps me form connections to help me understand and better remember what I am doing. And for that reason, I am not a huge fan of reading out of a textbook. Well, I also blame my lack of enjoyment of textbook reading to my lack of speed when it comes to reading. I also find that when I read, I don't always comprehend or take in what I'm reading. You see if all things were made into fictional novels that engaged the readers, maybe I would be more inclined to absorb more of the material I read. In the end, this is why i prefer the hands on method, even if it means I will make more mistakes.

Although this has only been my first week of school, I have to hand it to myself. I have probably studied more in the past 4 days than I averaged in half a month at UPenn. There are many plausible reasons for this, like, the material is about cooking (much more enjoyable) and the workbook I have to complete is not exceptionally difficult, BUT I will go with, I am maturing into a more studious individual. **so proud**  ...let's just see how long this lasts haha :P

Next topic of business, you know how when you're greatly involved in something that you have a passion for you start to dream about it? (and if you don't have a passion for it, it may haunt you...) When it comes to dancing, I generally dream about hip hop and where I am actually choreographing the piece. Well, today when I was napping, I was dreaming that I was practicing Henry Velandia's performance piece that we have been working on during our Tuesday class. I am currently debating what that means. 1) It is not something that I  choreographed. 2) Does this mean that even in my dreams, I know I need to practice it? or 3) I just practiced it in my sleep, therefore I don't need to practice it? What do you think?

One last thing, it is my Dad's birthday tomorrow!! YAY!!

Stay tuned, more updates to come.
Mucho <3

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