when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

This has to be an all time record. We got a ridiculous amount of snow this year. And with snow, always come stories.

First, to all those drivers who stared at me with one eyebrow cocked up, head tilted to the side, and eyes saying, "what are you doing? haven't you ever seen snow before?" Yes, I live in NJ. Yes, I am stopping in the middle of the street to take pictures. Yes, [when sitting in the passenger seat...safety first] I stick my hand and camera out the window into the freezing cold to take pictures. And, yes, I even got out of the car to run around frantically to each place I thought was a wintry wonderland, so that I could take a picture.

 **Sticking my hand out a moving car window. Warning: you're hands will get very, very cold doing this
**Parked my car and traveled across roads and people's lawns to get to this surprisingly beautiful creek

**Stopping my car in the middle of the road to take pictures (good thing no one was behind me :p )

Second...so, I thought it would be a great a idea to leave 30-45 minutes early to my Photography class so that I could purchase materials I needed. I knew that I would have to brush my car off a little so I did allot 10 minutes or so. Well, well, well, little did I know how much time I really would need. First things first, seeing how the snow was still fresh and light, I took out a large industrial-sized broom and literally, swept my car of the piled-on inches of snow. Then I went in with the smaller car cleaner (what are they called?). Now that my car is all clean, I can drive off right? That was a big, fat W-R-O-N-G. I had to back that thang up and shovel the entire driveway. le sigh...I went on speed mode and just ran with the shovel. Moral of the story? Well there isn't one that part of the story. But take great caution to this piece of advice, after frantically cleaning snow until your body is so confused that you're starting to sweat but you're hands are frozen...don't get into a warm and toasty, pre-heated car. My finger blew up. I thought they were going to burst through the skin.

And that was how my adventurous wintry day went.

Wait! I almost forgot to talk about today's class...apparently the time on my professors computer was wrong causing him to show up over half an hour late to class. All of the young college students left at the 15-20 minute mark, while the older and obviously the good students stayed. It's amazing how much a person's mentality changes as they mature. And the rest of class was pretty standard. Note taking and a visit around the dark room.

My final note of this entry is...drumroll...I now have a Flickr account. For blog posts that would contain an abundant amount of pictures, I will provide a link to my Flickr account. And if you just want to see some of my pictures, follow me on Flickr.  :)

More updates to come!
Mucho <3

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