when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Story #50: Creeper!!

Have you ever tried to secretly and very discretely, yet a little creepily take a picture of something that you weren't supposed to? You hold the camera down low, a little off to the side of your actual object of interest, try to focus the camera, and time it perfectly so that when your camera/phone actually captures the image, you have the object in focus? Does it sound a little too detailed almost as if I've done it before...yea, I have. Point being, these questions come with a story. I was on the train today sitting in a 4-seater across from my brother and a man sitting on the other side of the pathway adjacent to me and guess what...he was doing just that! At first I was staring at him fiddling with his phone because I was just intrigued at what he was trying to do. His phone was a little on an angle towards my brother, it was down low and he was poking around at the phone with his finger...then he pointed the phone at me, then away and back at me. That's when he realized I was staring at him and put it down carefully to make sure he was able to keep it on camera mode. When I went back to surfing the web and playing games on my phone, I kept glancing back once in a while through the corner of my eye, and literally seconds later his phone was back up! This happened about 3 times...he finally put his phone down normally with the screen facing up to serve a purpose of showing me that he gave up when I stared in his direction (out the window) for long while. Too paranoid to fall asleep normally, I turned my back to him and tried to angle the myself in the most comfortable way against the railing. Apparently creeper didn't finish there, my brother said that he tried it again...assuming he had to be after some goods, the next best thing to my face were my cheeks...from behind. So my brother put his foot up behind me to protect me. CREEPER! Seriously, it's not like I'm famous or anything, therefore he's being a pervert, and since I look like I'm 16 and he's like 40, he can technically be seen as a pedophile! EW!

Moving on, for the past two days (and tomorrow), I have been working on the Phil Spector film. This [currently] untitled film is a "drama centered on the relationship between Phil Spector and defense attorney Linda Kenney Baden while the music business legend was on trial for the murder of Lana Clarkson." The cast for this low-budget tv-movie is Al Pacino as Phil Spector, Helen Mirren as Linda Kenney Baden, Jeffrey Tambor, Martin Jarvis, David Aaron Baker, Jack Wallace, Yoloda Ross, Kate Blumberg, Bob Jennings, Vernon Campbell, Mary B. McCann, Cynthia Silver, John Pirruccello, Philip Martin and Don Gomez (IMDB). For more in depth background on this court case: http://articles.cnn.com/2009-03-26/justice/spector.trial_1_lana-clarkson-phil-spector-jurors?_s=PM:CRIME

The 2-2 show I was going to work on next week decreased the number of people they needed to work with. So, unfortunately, I will not be working on it. Gotta look for more work now...

Hopefully more updates on new work for next week to come!
Mucho <3

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