when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Story #51: Kdramas, early call times and idiots

"Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience."
~ Thanks to Onelinerzdotnet

Just finished the Kdrama, Greatest Love a couple days ago. 49 Days touched me a little more but there was still much you could take away from Greatest Love. One of the greatest aspects in life that creates much chaos within relationships is miscommunication and misunderstanding. Constantly throughout the kdrama, we witness one side of the relationship withholding information from the other or where side A walks half-way into the scene, giving them only half the picture to draw assumptions from. These two main reasons [as well as many others] contribute to the strains within a relationship. If you allow yourself to be open to kdramas, you will see that they hold much more meaning than just sickness, cancer, love triangles and death. In the end, through the heartaches and illnesses, there is deeper happiness. There were realizations; there were lessons learned. -- Basically, don't judge my love for kdramasl!! jkjk  :)

So I didn't get my two days of work on The 2-2 like I hoped, but I did work today. The food was definitely not as good as Royal Pains or White Collar and it was not as fun, but it was alright. I saw old friends and made friends, AND due to a "small" fire I got to go home early, hahaha of all things to happen! But everything was fine and it wasn't a big, big fire. Unfortunately I didn't find out until too late that it was a 6:30am call time. This meant that I had to take the earliest train, which left at 3:59am...I left my home at 3:15am to drive and walk there. Yea, I didn't get to sleep the night before. However, there is a deeper reason to why I wasn't able to sleep other than that I was anxious about missing the train. For the past two months or so I have been having trouble with food. I'm really starting to think it's acid reflux disease. I won't go into details online right now, but it's really starting to cause problems for me. I think it might be time to visit the doctor. :(  That wasn't the worst part of the day, the worst part of the day was trying to deal with arrogant idiots. I'm not in the mindset to go in-depth, but arrogant people who not only think highly of themselves but act as if they are above others need to stay out of my life. le sigh

Anyways, back to work, I am working tomorrow on The Onion News Network:
In March 2007, The Onion launched The Onion News Network, a daily web video broadcast that had been in production since mid-2006, with a story about an illegal immigrant taking an executive's $800,000-a-year job for $600,000 a year. The Onion has reportedly invested about $1 million in the production and has hired 15 new staffers to focus on the production of this video broadcast.[29] Carol Kolb, former Editor-in-Chief of The Onion is the ONN's head writer; and Will Graham is the showrunner and Executive Producer. On February 3, 2009, The Onion launched a spin-off of the ONN, the Onion Sports Network.

I was a little upset because an hour after I accepted this job, Grant Wilfley called me to ask if I was free to work on Royal Pains!! arggg!! What can you do? If all goes well tomorrow, then it will all be worth it.  At least I'm working. :)

More news, I'm going to be working this Saturday on an untitled film (I'll give you more info on Friday when I receive it) AND it will be for my third SAG waiver! After Saturday, I will be eligible to join SAG! I don't think I will be joining really soon, but it's 1) nice to be paid union and 2) nice to have all 3 out of 3 waivers. Now I will have the full ability to decide whether or not I want to join SAG right now or not.

Well, time to catch up on some sleep (yay for late call times!). More updates are sure to come!
Mucho <3

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