when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Story #54: ღ Rejoice ღ

[ri-jois] verb, -joiced, -joic·ing.
verb (used without object)
1. to be glad; take delight (often followed by in ): to rejoice in another's happiness.
~ Thanks to dictionary.com

Under my fbook status: Feeling great after finding myself in a new place to worship God, meeting new amazing people and being able to play softball incorporating these two joyous aspects. Life is good in so many ways. Be thankful

Before reading on, just imagine one of those really motivational speakers with a bold voice that can move the audience...and some patriotic or moving song playing in the background, like in the movies. Better yet, play one of those songs while reading it in your best motivational speech voices :)

In life there is so much we can complain about, there is so much greed to fulfill, there is so much negativity that we can express. The grumble from frustration of sitting in traffic, the intense anger of a bad day at work, the pulling-out-your-hair feeling caused by kids breaking something precious and the sigh of annoyance from stepping on a piece of gum; the heart wrenching agony of losing a loved one, the pain of physical abuse, the darkened emptiness of feeling alone in this world and the pent up disgruntlement caused by the unfairness we experience. To much disbelief...it is our choice to take that path. It is our choice to live in and dwell on the "unhappiness" life has thrown at us. Is it really that much more beneficial to walk down that path and choose negativity over happiness?

To find happiness is "to be glad; take delight". When reading diary entries of those who experienced the inhumane tortures of the Holocaust camps, yes there was sadness, there were unbearable truths that seem so unrighteous and unethical that it becomes unimaginable to the comparable life of our own BUT, believe it or not, there was happiness felt through those times. We are creatures of contradiction. We avoid hurt, yet we hurt. We want to do right, yet we bend the rules as we see fits. We complain, yet we yearn to find happiness. It's impossible to find happiness if you are complaining. It's through these situations, through these trials where we find, if not, true happiness, that at least, relative happiness. There is so much in our lives that we take for granted. Just because we don't live the life with all the luxuries we can imagine, we are dissatisfied. We work that extra hour longer to get that raise so that we can buy that new item. But when we finally get it, we want to work another extra hour so we can get that other new item. Where does it end?

When we are told, "eat all your food, think about the starving children in  ___." The first rebellious thought that comes to mind is, "how would me eating all my food and not even enjoying it, help those starving in the third world countries?" It makes no sense. Seriously, I'm scarfing down food, my stomach about to explode...how is that going to feed the hunger? Me indulging myself in what others don't have, is that wrong in itself? But imagine, the life of Jewish people were starving during the  Holocaust, where people in third world countries are haven't eaten anything in days, they desperately scrounge for food, picking up crumbs out of the rubble and being blessed if they find any amount of food that could feed a rat. They are happy, they are grateful, they rejoice in the kindness of the world or in my case, God, that little piece of food enabled them to live one more day, even if it was a day of suffering. Thinking about it this way, we should appreciate the food we are given and even enjoy it because we are given the opportunity to fill our stomach with nutrients and yummy goodness. We should not take for granted what others lack. This doesn't mean we should strive to reach new unfounded grounds, but it means that while striving for more, we should be grateful for what we do have. That looking from the bareness of life, we have much to offer and much to be thankful for.

Happiness is based on relative aspects, and when it comes down to it, when you strip all that life has offered you, ask yourself, are you happy? Just like we have the choice to be happy or to be ungrateful, we decide to say "what if I did this...I could have won, I could have made this much more money, I could have..."...could have what?? ...You could have nothing. How about deciding to use these "what if's" game and shining light on it in a way that brings more light to your life. What if you were in a situation where you couldn't even afford to play sports, where the government wouldn't even allow you to play the games you wanted to play? To much misfortune, that is the case for many and look what message they have to share... Baseball in Uganda. They don't want our pity or sadness, they want our encouragement. They are grateful for they have. If you "count your blessings", and think about the "what if's" in a way that shows your life situation has so much more to offer than you make it out to, shouldn't you be happy? Life is about making the most of what you have. Using all struggles and set backs to your advantage. And taking advantage of the fortunes that you have come across. To be grateful to have a body that gives you life, to have people by your side, to know that you are not alone in the world experiencing what you are going through and to know that no matter what happens, when you hit rock bottom, the only direction you can go is up. And yes...again, and again I say, through the darkest of clouds, there will always be sunshine. And realize, you are living life through good and bad, that just because sadness or anger has struck, doesn't mean that life will stop for you...so you might as well make the most of what you've got, find a ways to look at your situation with full optimism and rise above it. More chances than not, there is always something you can take away from every situation, there is always something you can learn and there is always, some way, that you are able to benefit from whatever you go through. "Life isn't just about how you survive the storm, but how you dance in the rain."

What ever my life is throwing at me, I am grateful for my loving family, the friends by my side, all of you who read my blog (and hopefully find some enjoyment out of it), and most of all, my Creator.

The ability to see, walk, hear, speak, breathe, feel...live...

...I am thankful ღ

Now for a quick update on acting/modeling. Today I was offered to go in for an interview for a featured, maybe principal role in Law and Order; but, I decided to turn it down. I would have to wear panties and pasties, portraying a girl in a sex video. I did take into consideration that this would be on TV protecting me from it being too racy, and that it would be good pay AND I would have a larger role in the show, but I would still probably feel uncomfortable being portrayed as a girl in a sex video. Not too worry, I got another call and they are going to submit my picture to Law and Order SVU for a different role. Cross your finger, wish me luck and pray for me! :)

More updates to come!
Mucho <3

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