when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Story #57: um...

Famous or not, men are...men. Don't roll your eyes at my simplistic yet very profound sentence, I really mean what I say. So what could I possible mean when I say men are men? Well, 1) some men, honestly just creep me out...either those creepy ones that hollar at you while you're walking by (actually it's the ones that stare that really gets to me), or...the ones you thought you were just being friendly and networking with but in actuality, it just turns out to be an old creep that seems to be looking for something more. Although I'm an adult, it almost feels like pedophilia. Maybe I'm just paranoid and making assumptions, but I gotta trust my gut instincts. It starts out as just talking, then flirtation, the grabbing on to the arm in a friendly way, then grabbing on to my hand. 2) All the ones I want I can't have and all the ones I don't want...bleh, you get the picture. It's like shoes or clothes. It doesn't matter how much you own, you can never find the right one.

Moving on, Blue Bloods was so much fun to work on yesterday. I love everyone working on set. I made friends with a few PA's, AD's, lead/main principal characters, and background actors. I learned a lot from the advice given by more experienced actors and I made connections with higher grounds that might allow me to get more jobs on Blue Bloods from now on. This means that I have to work even harder now to keep a good impression and to hopefully make a name for myself.

Today I had an audition. I'm not exactly sure of the specific details, but what they're ultimately doing sounds super cool. After narrowing down what they want in terms of who, what looks, hairstyles and clothing styles, they will take a 360 degree video/screen shots to make a 3D image. This way they can just use that image where ever and whenever they want. It sounded better when they described it but still...SO COOL!

So now I'm just waiting to hear back. If I get it, I will work both Friday and next Tuesday. If I don't get it, I will be working on Blue Bloods on Friday! :)

More updates to come! (I will be updating my "Friends on Set" facebook album shortly)
Mucho <3

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