when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Story #71: Blessing in Disguise

Have you ever felt so lethargic that it goes beyond just how you physically feel and begins to affect how you think and perceive things? I was so tired today that it felt as if I was walking on a tight rope. You know, that feeling where everything is tense and with a little push you could tip over towards irritability or towards sadness and loneliness. When this happens I just want to sleep or do something to prevent me from over thinking things too much. In this sensitive state, the best things is to find comfort in something...right? What do you do, any tips?

So my busy weekend technically started on Wednesday with the shopping and prepping of my dry ingredients, but the actual baking didn't start until Thursday. So I went to bed at the usual time, 3:30am, got up at 9:30am and started baking at 10am. I started on my Chocolate Chip Cookie dough, tested one out and...um...not pretty. Add more of this, a little bit of that and still no good. So, even more of this and that, soon 10 am became 1pm with no progress in sight. In the end, 5 quarts of cookie dough went down the drain. So much sadness. But the frustration temporarily ended there. I moved on to Sugar cookies and Oatmeal. Success!! Next were the Pumpkin Bars and Chocolate Fudge cake. Unfortunately, more problems came up...the middle would never bake! I have never had so much pent up frustration in the kitchen while baking. So, long story short, from 10am on Thursday until 2:30am on Saturday with a 1 hour nap and some tweaks to my baking techniques, I made Chocolate Chip cookies, Sugar cookies, Oatmeal Raisin cookies, Pumpkin Bars, Chocolate Fudge cake, Carrot cake and homemade icing for an estimate of 350 people. I definitely came away from this experience much more knowledgeable...never bake cookies for that many people when you only have one oven. Being limited to baking 20-28 cookies at a time when you need to bake over 750 of them takes an incredible amount of time.

On Thursday, I got a call around 2pm to do background work on the 2-2 and to stand-in for someone. I was a little upset and frustrated seeing how this was a great opportunity, baking wasn't going well at the time and I haven't been working as much as I would like; but, you gotta do what you gotta do, right? So, why would it have been a great opportunity? Pay would have been relatively good since I was going to stand-in for one of the principal actors and for the obvious reason, it would be nice to get back on set.

Saturday, I was planning to nap from 2:30am to 5am to drive to Boston but that was a fail. I didn't end leaving until 11:45am. Upside to things, I made it there in less than 4 hours! The Silk Road Gala 2011 was beautiful. For more information on the gala, the prestigious Chefs that were there and the cause it promoted, you can click here. With some centerpieces in my trunk, I left Boston at 11:30pm for a pitch black drive home. Serene, scary, tense and tired all wrapped into one.

After getting home at 8am (don't ask), I finished baking the last two servings of Chocolate Chip cookies, cleaned up, napped for an hour, got changed and headed to Grace Community Church's 5th or 6th year anniversary service. At the end of the day, the night was a hit, the set up, food and my baked goods were amazing.

Life is full of endless opportunities, the important thing is to grab a hold of one of them or there won't be any progression in life. And at the end of the day, if you work hard, put all my effort into everything you did, even the small things, you'll end up on top. The stress and aggravations definitely turned into a blessing. I learned how so much from this past weekend.

Tomorrow I'll be heading to NY for an audition (no idea what about, so it'll be a surprise for you and me!).

To end on a final note: Listening to music you find a few that you will surprisingly like, considering the mood that you're in, you'll find ones that you love and ones that you can't stand, one's that will soothe you and bring comfort, and then, you'll find one that just makes you smile and even laugh. This is mine: Fuck You by Lily Allen. Enjoy!

As always, more updates to come! --> I'm late already, so pictures will be up in the next couple of days! :)

Mucho <3

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