when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dodging the Homeless Act

I must say, out of the many Sarah Chang's concerts I have been to, I actually enjoyed yesterday's (Tuesday's) the most. Maybe it was the song selection, or maybe my taste in music has matured, but her piece really kept me on edge the whole time...so much, that I almost didn't make it in time to give her the flowers ;p

The Program:

KBS Symphony Orchestra
Shinik Hahm, Conductor
Sarah Chang, Violin

JEEYOUNG KIM Heroes (World Premiere)
BRUCH Violin Concerto No. 1
BERLIOZ Symphonie fantastique

Carnegie Hall's stage
Sarah Chang
Recognition for the Conductor

So my mishap of post-concert. After the concert, my date (my brothers gf hehe) and I decided to grab dinner in k-town. Getting there close to 10:45pm.

By not thinking ahead and driving myself to the train station, I was left to rely on my parents picking me up to get back home. So, I realized that the train that I would need to take would arrive in Princeton very late, meaning that I would be cutting it close to making it back home before my parents went to bed.

Sitting at the dinner table, I lost track of time while eating scrumptious korean food, mmm mmm, and gossiping about boys, brothers, and other "girl stuff". Heading towards the end of the meal, I realized there were only three trains left. One that was in 5 minutes (fail), and two that were too late to ask my parents to pick me up. Scrambling around to find someone else to pick me up at the train station, I soon realize that I read the schedule wrong. There was only ONE train left and it was for 1:22am. Oh god...this was bad. I called my mom convincing her to sleep in peace and that I would figure things out - I mean I've got friends back in Jersey that could help a sista out...right?? ...Wrong, the few that I did know were busy with performances and after parties, studying, or not picking up. Now what do I do?? I couldn't bring myself to call my NY friends seeing how it was nearly midnight and they all had work early in the morning, and I didn't really care for the idea of taking that last train to Princeton Junction, arriving at 2:33am and walking the many miles back to my house in the cold. And here comes the light at the end of my homeless tunnel; luckily, my brother's girlfriend offered the option of staying at her place. Yay!! What a wonderful way to end such an adventurous day (it rhymes!).

A little bonus:
Today, I decided to put a little pizazz into the ever-so classic french tips:

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