when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Secret to amazing hair?
I spent all of high school using Pantene ProV shampoo and Pantene ProV conditioner, then I switched out the Pantene condition for Dove conditioner and eventually ended up trying Wen (I'm a sucker for those infomercials). After a long time coming and a cruise that forced me to buy something new, I followed my cousin's advice...*drum roll*...Aussie. It is the most amazing shampoo and conditioner EVER. Even by the end of the day, my hair is still fresh and softer than ever.

Secret to confidence?
Well, not all of us were born with that mighty confidence bone. But, the secret behind it all, is to just believe in what you do have and show it off. Confidence isn't a fashion show, an IQ exam, or anything of that sort, it is your time to show off what you got. So, it doesn't matter if you're having a bad day, or if you lack a little self-esteem and self-confidence (honestly, how many people think they're perfect?), because all you have to do is just work it. Walk with power, keep you're head held up up high with pride and smile as if you and everyone else around sees you as beautiful, hot and pretty. The difference between you and the pretty person next to you is how you present yourself and portray yourself. If you show people that you are unique and amazing, they will believe you.

Secret to losing weight?
I don't know how much I can stress it, but eat in moderation! Even when you're eating a healthier selection of foods, that doesn't mean you can eat like you're about to go into winter hibernation. Eat in moderation. If you have a sweet tooth, and you're craving that piece of chocolate, or a bowl of ice cream, that's fine! Just eat in moderation. It is important to keep in mind, that sweets and fatty foods may fulfill you're immediate cravings, however, sugar and salts tend to make you more thirsty and hungry in the long term. Finally, you must remember, you live in a world that has a seemingly endless variety of foods. So, do your best to pick something you like, but something that is healthier.

Now, when I say eat in moderation, that doesn't mean to stop before you're stuffed. It means, stop right before you think you're about to be full. As you wait and food starts to settle in your belly, you will feel more satisfied. This may be hard to get used to at first, but you will soon realize that your stomach is shrinking and that you get full on less amounts of food.

You don't get off that easily. You may lose a little weight just following those simple guidelines, but what will really make a difference is your daily exercise. This means parking your car farther down the parking lot, walking when ever you can instead of driving, and if you're really motivated, going to the gym or buying one of those home work-out videos. An easy way to keep yourself accountable is 1) telling people about your plans. Verbally stating your plans will put a little more pressure on yourself to own up to your words. 2) Go on the buddy system. Find a friend to keep you in-check.

Oh. and one of the most important things...do not eat after 8pm. If you're used to snacking all night long, like me, then start at 10pm for 2-4 days, then 9pm for 2-4 days and then 8pm! If you must have a snack, eat a few unsalted almonds, chew gum (such a good solution), eat some fruit or freeze OJ and have a Popsicle.

Eating less and in moderation + healthy eating + exercise = weight loss

That's enough secrets for now.
Stay happy, healthy and confident!

More updates to come!
Mucho <3

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