when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Story #12: All the World's a Stage

Life is like a play - we merely go through the stages of our life acting it out.
Origin: From Shakespeare's As You Like It, 1600:
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts...
 ~ Thanks to The Phrase Finder

As many of you know (if you have been keeping up with my blog), this past weekend was the Proscout event! First things first, the all mighty question: is Proscout a scam? From my personal experience, this event was not a scam at all. Yes, everyone can find flaws in it, but you can find flaws in everything. This event was about the participants and what the participants were willing to get out of it. If you are a closed minded and pessimistic person, this would obviously not be the event for you. But, if you are a person with optimistic views, who always takes something away from their experiences, then this is an event for you.

Regardless of what the outcome currently has been and will be, this event was an inspiring and eye opening experience. Learning through hands on lessons while working directly from the agents and talent discoverers themselves, and being able to have face time with so many agents at one time is amazing.

Here are a couple pictures of where the magic happened:

We got there on Friday and left Sunday. Although we did not get the chance to go to the Italian Marketplace/Restaurant -- Di Pasquale, we did get to walk around and eat at nearby places. When we got lunch on Sunday, we saw a massive amount of seagulls  at the mall. They were hilarious...and scary. I ended up running into the mall food court in fear of being pooped on, haha.

So, how did it go so far? I got three call backs (meaning 3 agents are interested in me), but nothing is certain yet. I still have to do my own research, I have to call them, meet with them, and/or send them more pictures.

Not to worry, this blog post will not end without an amazing story.
During a Saturday seminar, I fell in love with one of the agents. He was honest, funny, he focuses primarily on acting, and he's very passionate. We did a few commercial trials in front of him where he was able to give us feedback and where we could learn from each other. Unfortunately, his seminar ran into the second seminar I was supposed to be at, so after I gave my "talents" a shot in front of him, I had to bolt off. Then came Sunday. We did a little runway walk, we had a chance to walk by each agent one-by-one while holding two of our favorite photographs [of ourselves]. I had a few quick "hi, how are you" conversations, but I had a really good conversation with the guy I met on Saturday. I was sooo happy he remembered me! After we had a lunch break, I was so nervous, and full from the two days prior of stuffing myself that I couldn't eat anything. 1:15pm came around and the call back announcements came. They call one agency at a time, and list off all the numbers that they were interested in. In my head I kept repeating my number, "number 864, 864, 864, 864". Yay, I got TWO call backs...but, none of them were for the guy I liked. I must admit, I was a little hurt and a little disappointed, but who could be that upset after getting two call backs? So, I met my two agents, I got their cards and information and the steps we would take from there. All was great, but I still had that little itch in me. All day, all I could think of, was thanking the Saturday agent for his seminar and for all his help. And since I did have such a great connection with him, I just had to show my gratitude somehow. So, I did what I had to do. I waited...and waited...and waited, until everyone he was supposed to meet met him. As I started with hello and thank you, he interrupted saying, "you're here! I was waiting for you, I wrote your number down!" We found out that he couldn't read his handwriting and ended up writing #861 instead of #864. It was fate. With my persistence, gut feelings and luck, I was able to find out that he really was interested in me! YAY!! I don't think I have ever been this happy. I was probably more happy about this than the day when I found out I got into UPenn.

I hope you were able to follow my story and enjoyed it.

More updates are sure to come. Wish me luck!
Mucho <3

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