when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Story #13: Life in the Fast Lane

"hectic, dangerous and perhaps indulgent lifestyle."
Example: If you think of all she did before the ripe old age of 26 when she was imprisoned by her cousin Elizabeth, you have to agree that Mary, Queen of Scots spent her early life very much in the fast lane.(Note From motorways: an Americanism of the 1970s.)
~ Thanks to IdiomDictionary

One of my many upcoming big days took place today in the bustling city of NY. In hope to relieve some jitters and the feeling of being rushed in the morning, I traveled to NYC late last night to stay at my good friends place. Well, it had to be either the two Krispy Kreme donuts I ate at 10pm last night or the feeling of nervousness and anxiety that kept me from getting sound sleep, because an hour and a half before I even planned on waking up, I got out of bed and I decided there was no hope in me actually passing out. I guess no matter what I do, the morning of a big day, I will always have puffy eyes. On the bright side, there was no way I could have been late to my meeting.

The greatest lesson I learned today was that your important event does not start once you say your first words to your interviewer, agent, or boss, it starts from the moment you wake up. It's important to be in the right mind set needed for the time leading up to your meeting. As soon as I woke up today, it wasn't about just getting ready and being nervous that I might get lost on my way there, but more about how I should be excited! Put a smile on my face, be polite, and to not let anything get me down or nervous. When you wear that smile on your face, you will soon start to feel more confident about yourself, which is one of the most important things you need in life. Too bad I learned that lesson the hard way. But, not to worry, I know the agent knows my potential, so hopefully soon, I will be able to redeem myself in front of him. As of right now, I am freelancing under the guidance of two talent agencies. One of which is the person I met today, and another one that he referred me to. Only with time can I hope to gain the necessary experience to fully understand what this industry entails, as well as, to be well recognized in this industry.

After shaking everything off and wandering around a bit, I decided to retrieve my camera from my friend's room, and to head back down the same path that I took earlier today. I must admit, besides there being amazing shots to take, I did hope to coincidently run into the agent again, teehee. Maybe he would see a different side to me while in a more relaxed setting. Anyways, back to my photographic adventure, there were so many different moments I wanted to capture on my manual Contax black and white filmed camera. I must have stopped over a dozen people to take pictures of and stood and kneeled on every type of bench or rock around. For those who hesitated to agree on being photographed, it was key to mention that it was for a class. I guess, people just have a soft spot for students and encouraging/helping their path through education. I also noticed, that when you have an SLR camera, you tend to attract attention. Good or bad?...I guess I will never know. It was definitely exhilarating to see how many great things the world has to offer you when looking through the lens of a camera. Unfortunately, before I knew it, I went through the entire roll of 36 frames without a spare on me and my little escapade was over before reaching my hopeful destination....where hope would possibly meet fate. With the sun setting and feeling content with today's work with the agents and a full roll of used film capturing a little bit of NYC life, I safely packed the camera into my bag and headed back. Remember how I mentioned having an SLR camera out attracted attention?...well, with the camera packed, you would think that the attention of creepy(?) or just curious people would subside a little. Well, quite the contrary, I began to feel like there was a sign taped to my face and on my butt: Stare at me, say hi to me, greet me, be creepy! I guess it's not all that bad to meet friendly people, but I would much rather prefer meeting people who seemed a little less creepy. But seriously, was my face painted red? Did I have something on my face? Or, was my hair just messed up?

Anyways, I now find myself typing away on my friend's laptop with least bit of interest in returning home. I'd much rather lounge around and wait for my call of opportunity.

My life is starting to get really interesting (to me at least).
As I always say, more updates to come!
Mucho <3

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