when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Story #14: Diamond in the Rough

The phrase is clearly a metaphor for the original unpolished state of diamond gemstones, especially those that have the potential to become high quality jewels. It is more commonly expressed in the form 'rough diamond'. The first recorded use in print is in John Fletcher's A Wife for a Month, 1624:

"She is very honest, and will be as hard to cut as a rough diamond."
~ Thanks to The Phrase Finder

Diving head first into a new industry is scary, intimidating and very confusing at times. One minute you feel like you know what's going on and what is expected of you, and another you're back to ground zero. Nevertheless, the excitement and curiosity pushes and draws me further to continue my walk down this winding path. And, although nerve-wrecking at times, it is exhilarating to step in front of people and become a character...to be a new person...to start a new slate...to live a dream or even nightmare. It's the only time you can be another person where the saying, "just be you" becomes obsolete.

I have the confidence in myself, that I can become the skilled person that I want to be. That, whether if it's with just some guidance or by a coach walking me through step-by-step, I can be sculpted into a unique piece of art. One of the great things growing up with a very focused passion (in my case...tennis), it has helped me develop the type of work ethic and patience that allows me to train and re-do something for hours until I perfected everything. In the past, I could train on the tennis court for 10 hours straight 5-7 days a week and it was my choice to do it. Transferring life-lessons I have learned through tennis and other life experiences, I know that if there is something that I need to get done or if someone is trying to teach me something new, it doesn't matter how long it takes, I will get it done.

I also believe that I have talent for this industry, but my concern lies in the natural talent that many people hold as well. I just need to find those few people who see something special in me, who are willing to work and mold me, and who will share the same goals and aspirations as me. I am the diamond in the rough awaiting my turn to be found, cleaned and polished.

While I actively await my turn, I will try to make myself as visible as possible. I will continue to make my stone as large as possible so that when my final product is revealed, there will be nothing like it in the world.

More updates to come!
Mucho <3

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