when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Story #15: Busy as a bee...busy as a beaver??

Meaning: Hardworking, very industrious, as in With all her activities, Sue is always busy as a bee , or Bob's busy as a beaver trying to finish painting before it rains . The comparison to beavers dates from the late 1700s, the variant from the late 1300s. Also see eager beaver; work like a beaver.
~ Thanks to Dictionary.com

With things picking up in both my culinary and photography class, trying to run back and forth between Philadelphia, New Jersey and New York, attempting to make it to all of my acting classes, Latin Performance classes, Zouk/Bachata/Salsa classes, calling agents, searching around for auditions, updating you all through my blogs and flickr, struggling to remembering everything I need to get done and what I have already done, and finding some time to myself, [phew!!] I can say that I have been a pretty busy girl. Although, it is a little hectic and definitely stressful at times, being able to keep myself preoccupied with things that I love and have a passion for...there's nothing better than that. The amazing finding that just dawned on me, is that, the more busy I get, the more engaged, diligent and motivated I become. I feel like this is a common feeling, does that happen to you? well, I just hope that through all of this, I will end up on top and be where I want to be.

Call me crazy, but for my photography presentation, I picked Jerry Uelsmann! I can't wait to start experimenting with my negatives to make photographs inspired by him.


Wahh! Can you believe that these were all done using film...not with the photoshop technology we use today? "Jerry Uelsmann began assembling his photographs from multiple negatives decades before digital tools like Photoshop were available. Using as many as seven enlargers to expose a single print, his darkroom skills allowed him to create evocative images that combined the realism of photography and the fluidity of our dreams. As an artist who is not threatened by digital photography, he is convinced that it is equally difficult to produce great images no matter what tool you use. But for him, “the alchemy of the photographic process” is inextricably tied to his creative vision. A teacher for most of his life, he has helped many photographers push past their limits and challenge their own expectations." (Interview)

As a novice photographer, just learning how to make negatives, contact sheets and prints, trying to accomplish what Jerry Uelsmann has done is a pretty ambitious task. But I know I can do it (to a certain degree haha)! I already drew up a lot of ideas that I want to try out. The most difficult task out of all the things I need to do is trying to get good photographs/negatives to use. Following that will be the more tedious task of trying to mold multiple negatives to form one brilliant image. Wish me luck!

Now all I have to do is figure out how to sleep a little more peacefully. I believe the reason why my nights have been full of restless sleep is due to the stress from my busy schedule and my endless list of things that I need to get done. le sigh. Tonight, I will take deep breathes, play serene music and try to let my to-do list go. For every thought that comes up, I will put it in a balloon, let it float up and "pop!", it will disappear. :)

More updates are sure to come!
Mucho <3

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