when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Story #17: Excited!

1. stirred emotionally; agitated: An excited crowd awaited the arrival of the famed rock group.
2. stimulated to activity; brisk: an excited buying and selling of stocks.
~ Thanks to Dicitonary.com 

Unfortunately no, I'm not excited about what you all are thinking about...I'm excited about the performance I saw today! But first things first, we have our promised business to attend to -- the event.

In fear of missing my train to NY, yet again, I decided to take some precautionary measures of making plans to board an earlier train. I don't know if it's fortunate or not, but I probably didn't even need to plan for it. I barely got any sleep last night. So, I ended up being ready (packed and everything!) an hour and a half before I had to leave for the early train. Anyways, sticking to the plan, I got to NY extra early giving me the time to enjoy my myself in the big apple. I did some walking, day dreaming, and all the things you would do during your free time, standing under sky-high buildings on an amazingly beautiful day. Since, I was too anxious to take black and white pictures before hand, I decided to do a few errands, make my way over to my destination and just wait in the salon area of the Rockefeller Plaza, where the event took place. To make the long, boring story short, they wanted to do crazy things with our hair for their event. For me specifically, they wanted to chop off all my hair and make it into an asymmetrical bob-cut. They would do a good job and make it cute, but, you can guess what my response [in my head] was...helllll to the no! I would have to change all my headshots (and I just printed out a whole lot of 8x10's), plus the maintenance of short hair is way to cumbersome for my taste. Well that's that, it was plain, simple, and very painless. A lot of girls didn't want drastic changes done to their hair, so it was pretty easy picking for hair dressers.

As for the exciting news, my Latin teacher and his good friend/teacher(?) performed at an event held in Underbar -- W hotel - NY Union Square. The event was called, Love In the Time of Green Cards. There were 8 short theatrical works addressing the intersection between love and citizenship. These presentations were developed with the individual artists and Hybrid Theatre Works. The Hybrid Theatre Works essentially work with artists to find a way to address a specific political and social matter. For more information visit the Hybrid Theatre works: www.hybridtheatreworks.org. Anyways, the performances were great, there was no fee, and it was a ton of fun going with friends!

Some final bonus news. Last night, I finished putting in my order for the new MacBook Pro!! I'm so psyched! There's so much video and photo editing I want to do on it. I should receive it by the end of next week. :)

Well, more updates are sure to come! **winkwink**
Mucho <3

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