when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Monday, February 28, 2011


I love all music, but I definitely love k-pop the most!! The one I've been listening to constantly on repeat:

To go along with these youtube videos, this video was pretty interesting:

Short post, but hope it kept you entertained! :)

More updates to come!
Mucho <3

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Story #17: Excited!

1. stirred emotionally; agitated: An excited crowd awaited the arrival of the famed rock group.
2. stimulated to activity; brisk: an excited buying and selling of stocks.
~ Thanks to Dicitonary.com 

Unfortunately no, I'm not excited about what you all are thinking about...I'm excited about the performance I saw today! But first things first, we have our promised business to attend to -- the event.

In fear of missing my train to NY, yet again, I decided to take some precautionary measures of making plans to board an earlier train. I don't know if it's fortunate or not, but I probably didn't even need to plan for it. I barely got any sleep last night. So, I ended up being ready (packed and everything!) an hour and a half before I had to leave for the early train. Anyways, sticking to the plan, I got to NY extra early giving me the time to enjoy my myself in the big apple. I did some walking, day dreaming, and all the things you would do during your free time, standing under sky-high buildings on an amazingly beautiful day. Since, I was too anxious to take black and white pictures before hand, I decided to do a few errands, make my way over to my destination and just wait in the salon area of the Rockefeller Plaza, where the event took place. To make the long, boring story short, they wanted to do crazy things with our hair for their event. For me specifically, they wanted to chop off all my hair and make it into an asymmetrical bob-cut. They would do a good job and make it cute, but, you can guess what my response [in my head] was...helllll to the no! I would have to change all my headshots (and I just printed out a whole lot of 8x10's), plus the maintenance of short hair is way to cumbersome for my taste. Well that's that, it was plain, simple, and very painless. A lot of girls didn't want drastic changes done to their hair, so it was pretty easy picking for hair dressers.

As for the exciting news, my Latin teacher and his good friend/teacher(?) performed at an event held in Underbar -- W hotel - NY Union Square. The event was called, Love In the Time of Green Cards. There were 8 short theatrical works addressing the intersection between love and citizenship. These presentations were developed with the individual artists and Hybrid Theatre Works. The Hybrid Theatre Works essentially work with artists to find a way to address a specific political and social matter. For more information visit the Hybrid Theatre works: www.hybridtheatreworks.org. Anyways, the performances were great, there was no fee, and it was a ton of fun going with friends!

Some final bonus news. Last night, I finished putting in my order for the new MacBook Pro!! I'm so psyched! There's so much video and photo editing I want to do on it. I should receive it by the end of next week. :)

Well, more updates are sure to come! **winkwink**
Mucho <3

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Story #16: Up close and personal

intimately he got to know the prime minister up close and personal
adj (up-close-and-personal when prenominal)
intimate up-close-and-personal interaction
~ Thanks to TheFreeDictionary

Tomorrow I have something small to audition for and I must admit, I was originally going to post something only if I had good news to report, but I thought about it some more and decided; the  "Story #'s" of my blog is about the entire journey I take to figuring out where I will eventually end up in life. To make things more realistic, I figured that it was important to share all the ups and downs I go through. With that said, be prepared, because from here on out, things are going to get up close and personal.

Tomorrow, updates on the event will be posted!
Mucho <3

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I am completely and utterly bewildered by how Jerry Uelsmann, 1) has the patience for what he does and 2) how he actually does it. His work is not only breathtaking, but also challenges the mind. I understand the basic concepts about what goes on in the dark room and the tedious process involved with it, but to be able to match the pictures up the way you want, with the sizes and angles, then being able to combine the pictures where some parts are completely cropped out (like a tree) or molding two separate concepts found on different negatives together, and finally processing it so that the exposure is correct and not overlapping them too much so that parts of the papers are over exposed.....how does he do it?!? I'm at a loss.

For those who are curious, this excerpt from PDN Legends Online   explains the procedure that is taken in the dark room:

Jerry Uelsmann:
Process and Perception

For me the darkroom functions as a visual research laboratory. Usually I run through 50 sheets of paper during a during a darkroom day. I always hope that at the end of the day, I will have produced one or two images that I care about. I make a small edition of each of these, usually six prints. Over the years I have discovered that approximately 10 percent of my finished images survive. This means that out of a year's work, during which I produce approximately 150 images, about 15 of them have a lasting value for me.

In my darkroom I have eight enlargers. Rarely do I use that many, but it is helpful to have more than one enlarger to execute multiple printing techniques. The images featured in this section are shown with their component parts. Printing these images required the use of several enlargers, one negative in each enlarger. Sometimes I block immediately below the enlarger lens to keep part of the paper white so that it can receive a second or third image. Other times I mask with black paper at the easel on the base of the enlarger; this works when you have a hard-edged area to transfer from one part of the image into another part. I print on the paper in one enlarger, then move it to a second enlarger for the second part of an image, and if necessary to a third or fourth; finally, I process the print normally.

In some instances I photograph objects and figures on a plain white background or a light table; this makes it easier for me to print those elements into light areas on the print. I use easels that are very stable and on occasion I tape them to the baseboard of the enlarger, once I have the proper alignment. I do lots of testing, for correct exposure and for correct blending of the separate elements, before I attempt to make a finished print.

le sigh...if you have any suggestions or some insight on what goes on, please comment or contact me.

When I figure it out and have amazing pictures, I will scan then and post them...let's see how long this will take. But until then, look out for more updates on my life!

Mucho <3

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Story #15: Busy as a bee...busy as a beaver??

Meaning: Hardworking, very industrious, as in With all her activities, Sue is always busy as a bee , or Bob's busy as a beaver trying to finish painting before it rains . The comparison to beavers dates from the late 1700s, the variant from the late 1300s. Also see eager beaver; work like a beaver.
~ Thanks to Dictionary.com

With things picking up in both my culinary and photography class, trying to run back and forth between Philadelphia, New Jersey and New York, attempting to make it to all of my acting classes, Latin Performance classes, Zouk/Bachata/Salsa classes, calling agents, searching around for auditions, updating you all through my blogs and flickr, struggling to remembering everything I need to get done and what I have already done, and finding some time to myself, [phew!!] I can say that I have been a pretty busy girl. Although, it is a little hectic and definitely stressful at times, being able to keep myself preoccupied with things that I love and have a passion for...there's nothing better than that. The amazing finding that just dawned on me, is that, the more busy I get, the more engaged, diligent and motivated I become. I feel like this is a common feeling, does that happen to you? well, I just hope that through all of this, I will end up on top and be where I want to be.

Call me crazy, but for my photography presentation, I picked Jerry Uelsmann! I can't wait to start experimenting with my negatives to make photographs inspired by him.


Wahh! Can you believe that these were all done using film...not with the photoshop technology we use today? "Jerry Uelsmann began assembling his photographs from multiple negatives decades before digital tools like Photoshop were available. Using as many as seven enlargers to expose a single print, his darkroom skills allowed him to create evocative images that combined the realism of photography and the fluidity of our dreams. As an artist who is not threatened by digital photography, he is convinced that it is equally difficult to produce great images no matter what tool you use. But for him, “the alchemy of the photographic process” is inextricably tied to his creative vision. A teacher for most of his life, he has helped many photographers push past their limits and challenge their own expectations." (Interview)

As a novice photographer, just learning how to make negatives, contact sheets and prints, trying to accomplish what Jerry Uelsmann has done is a pretty ambitious task. But I know I can do it (to a certain degree haha)! I already drew up a lot of ideas that I want to try out. The most difficult task out of all the things I need to do is trying to get good photographs/negatives to use. Following that will be the more tedious task of trying to mold multiple negatives to form one brilliant image. Wish me luck!

Now all I have to do is figure out how to sleep a little more peacefully. I believe the reason why my nights have been full of restless sleep is due to the stress from my busy schedule and my endless list of things that I need to get done. le sigh. Tonight, I will take deep breathes, play serene music and try to let my to-do list go. For every thought that comes up, I will put it in a balloon, let it float up and "pop!", it will disappear. :)

More updates are sure to come!
Mucho <3

Monday, February 21, 2011

Story #14: Diamond in the Rough

The phrase is clearly a metaphor for the original unpolished state of diamond gemstones, especially those that have the potential to become high quality jewels. It is more commonly expressed in the form 'rough diamond'. The first recorded use in print is in John Fletcher's A Wife for a Month, 1624:

"She is very honest, and will be as hard to cut as a rough diamond."
~ Thanks to The Phrase Finder

Diving head first into a new industry is scary, intimidating and very confusing at times. One minute you feel like you know what's going on and what is expected of you, and another you're back to ground zero. Nevertheless, the excitement and curiosity pushes and draws me further to continue my walk down this winding path. And, although nerve-wrecking at times, it is exhilarating to step in front of people and become a character...to be a new person...to start a new slate...to live a dream or even nightmare. It's the only time you can be another person where the saying, "just be you" becomes obsolete.

I have the confidence in myself, that I can become the skilled person that I want to be. That, whether if it's with just some guidance or by a coach walking me through step-by-step, I can be sculpted into a unique piece of art. One of the great things growing up with a very focused passion (in my case...tennis), it has helped me develop the type of work ethic and patience that allows me to train and re-do something for hours until I perfected everything. In the past, I could train on the tennis court for 10 hours straight 5-7 days a week and it was my choice to do it. Transferring life-lessons I have learned through tennis and other life experiences, I know that if there is something that I need to get done or if someone is trying to teach me something new, it doesn't matter how long it takes, I will get it done.

I also believe that I have talent for this industry, but my concern lies in the natural talent that many people hold as well. I just need to find those few people who see something special in me, who are willing to work and mold me, and who will share the same goals and aspirations as me. I am the diamond in the rough awaiting my turn to be found, cleaned and polished.

While I actively await my turn, I will try to make myself as visible as possible. I will continue to make my stone as large as possible so that when my final product is revealed, there will be nothing like it in the world.

More updates to come!
Mucho <3


You don't have to be a celebrity to be a role model. Every little thing you do can and will affect those surrounding you in a positive or negative way...so be conscientious of your actions.

Life is too precious to waste. Live with no regrets. Live.Laugh.Love

Your words and actions travel further than you think.

The only obstacle you have in life is yourself. Conquer your fears, go beyond your expectations, and you will succeed in anything you want to do.

More updates soon to come!
Mucho <3

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Baking! ♥

The most frequently asked question this week was, "what did you do for Valentine's Day?"
In the spirit of Valentine's Day, my appreciation was shown through the love I put into my baking. I baked a Freeform Apple Pie from scratch. Despite the scrambling around in a kitchen that you would think I was very familiar with, I love baking. There is something very warming about baking that cooking does not quite capture. What do you prefer -- cooking or baking?

A video for your entertainment:

More updates to come!
Mucho <3

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Story #13: Life in the Fast Lane

"hectic, dangerous and perhaps indulgent lifestyle."
Example: If you think of all she did before the ripe old age of 26 when she was imprisoned by her cousin Elizabeth, you have to agree that Mary, Queen of Scots spent her early life very much in the fast lane.(Note From motorways: an Americanism of the 1970s.)
~ Thanks to IdiomDictionary

One of my many upcoming big days took place today in the bustling city of NY. In hope to relieve some jitters and the feeling of being rushed in the morning, I traveled to NYC late last night to stay at my good friends place. Well, it had to be either the two Krispy Kreme donuts I ate at 10pm last night or the feeling of nervousness and anxiety that kept me from getting sound sleep, because an hour and a half before I even planned on waking up, I got out of bed and I decided there was no hope in me actually passing out. I guess no matter what I do, the morning of a big day, I will always have puffy eyes. On the bright side, there was no way I could have been late to my meeting.

The greatest lesson I learned today was that your important event does not start once you say your first words to your interviewer, agent, or boss, it starts from the moment you wake up. It's important to be in the right mind set needed for the time leading up to your meeting. As soon as I woke up today, it wasn't about just getting ready and being nervous that I might get lost on my way there, but more about how I should be excited! Put a smile on my face, be polite, and to not let anything get me down or nervous. When you wear that smile on your face, you will soon start to feel more confident about yourself, which is one of the most important things you need in life. Too bad I learned that lesson the hard way. But, not to worry, I know the agent knows my potential, so hopefully soon, I will be able to redeem myself in front of him. As of right now, I am freelancing under the guidance of two talent agencies. One of which is the person I met today, and another one that he referred me to. Only with time can I hope to gain the necessary experience to fully understand what this industry entails, as well as, to be well recognized in this industry.

After shaking everything off and wandering around a bit, I decided to retrieve my camera from my friend's room, and to head back down the same path that I took earlier today. I must admit, besides there being amazing shots to take, I did hope to coincidently run into the agent again, teehee. Maybe he would see a different side to me while in a more relaxed setting. Anyways, back to my photographic adventure, there were so many different moments I wanted to capture on my manual Contax black and white filmed camera. I must have stopped over a dozen people to take pictures of and stood and kneeled on every type of bench or rock around. For those who hesitated to agree on being photographed, it was key to mention that it was for a class. I guess, people just have a soft spot for students and encouraging/helping their path through education. I also noticed, that when you have an SLR camera, you tend to attract attention. Good or bad?...I guess I will never know. It was definitely exhilarating to see how many great things the world has to offer you when looking through the lens of a camera. Unfortunately, before I knew it, I went through the entire roll of 36 frames without a spare on me and my little escapade was over before reaching my hopeful destination....where hope would possibly meet fate. With the sun setting and feeling content with today's work with the agents and a full roll of used film capturing a little bit of NYC life, I safely packed the camera into my bag and headed back. Remember how I mentioned having an SLR camera out attracted attention?...well, with the camera packed, you would think that the attention of creepy(?) or just curious people would subside a little. Well, quite the contrary, I began to feel like there was a sign taped to my face and on my butt: Stare at me, say hi to me, greet me, be creepy! I guess it's not all that bad to meet friendly people, but I would much rather prefer meeting people who seemed a little less creepy. But seriously, was my face painted red? Did I have something on my face? Or, was my hair just messed up?

Anyways, I now find myself typing away on my friend's laptop with least bit of interest in returning home. I'd much rather lounge around and wait for my call of opportunity.

My life is starting to get really interesting (to me at least).
As I always say, more updates to come!
Mucho <3

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Do you have your V-card?

You all have dirty minds...I obviously meant Valentine's card.

Happy Belated Valentine's Day to everyone!!! <3
Valentines Day Graphics

 And for those that despise Valentine's day:

zwani.com myspace graphic comments

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Story #12: All the World's a Stage

Life is like a play - we merely go through the stages of our life acting it out.
Origin: From Shakespeare's As You Like It, 1600:
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts...
 ~ Thanks to The Phrase Finder

As many of you know (if you have been keeping up with my blog), this past weekend was the Proscout event! First things first, the all mighty question: is Proscout a scam? From my personal experience, this event was not a scam at all. Yes, everyone can find flaws in it, but you can find flaws in everything. This event was about the participants and what the participants were willing to get out of it. If you are a closed minded and pessimistic person, this would obviously not be the event for you. But, if you are a person with optimistic views, who always takes something away from their experiences, then this is an event for you.

Regardless of what the outcome currently has been and will be, this event was an inspiring and eye opening experience. Learning through hands on lessons while working directly from the agents and talent discoverers themselves, and being able to have face time with so many agents at one time is amazing.

Here are a couple pictures of where the magic happened:

We got there on Friday and left Sunday. Although we did not get the chance to go to the Italian Marketplace/Restaurant -- Di Pasquale, we did get to walk around and eat at nearby places. When we got lunch on Sunday, we saw a massive amount of seagulls  at the mall. They were hilarious...and scary. I ended up running into the mall food court in fear of being pooped on, haha.

So, how did it go so far? I got three call backs (meaning 3 agents are interested in me), but nothing is certain yet. I still have to do my own research, I have to call them, meet with them, and/or send them more pictures.

Not to worry, this blog post will not end without an amazing story.
During a Saturday seminar, I fell in love with one of the agents. He was honest, funny, he focuses primarily on acting, and he's very passionate. We did a few commercial trials in front of him where he was able to give us feedback and where we could learn from each other. Unfortunately, his seminar ran into the second seminar I was supposed to be at, so after I gave my "talents" a shot in front of him, I had to bolt off. Then came Sunday. We did a little runway walk, we had a chance to walk by each agent one-by-one while holding two of our favorite photographs [of ourselves]. I had a few quick "hi, how are you" conversations, but I had a really good conversation with the guy I met on Saturday. I was sooo happy he remembered me! After we had a lunch break, I was so nervous, and full from the two days prior of stuffing myself that I couldn't eat anything. 1:15pm came around and the call back announcements came. They call one agency at a time, and list off all the numbers that they were interested in. In my head I kept repeating my number, "number 864, 864, 864, 864". Yay, I got TWO call backs...but, none of them were for the guy I liked. I must admit, I was a little hurt and a little disappointed, but who could be that upset after getting two call backs? So, I met my two agents, I got their cards and information and the steps we would take from there. All was great, but I still had that little itch in me. All day, all I could think of, was thanking the Saturday agent for his seminar and for all his help. And since I did have such a great connection with him, I just had to show my gratitude somehow. So, I did what I had to do. I waited...and waited...and waited, until everyone he was supposed to meet met him. As I started with hello and thank you, he interrupted saying, "you're here! I was waiting for you, I wrote your number down!" We found out that he couldn't read his handwriting and ended up writing #861 instead of #864. It was fate. With my persistence, gut feelings and luck, I was able to find out that he really was interested in me! YAY!! I don't think I have ever been this happy. I was probably more happy about this than the day when I found out I got into UPenn.

I hope you were able to follow my story and enjoyed it.

More updates are sure to come. Wish me luck!
Mucho <3

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ahhh!! =o

Ahhh, two days, 2 DAYS, twooo daaaayyssss!!! OMGosh! 2 days.

Anyways, HSH Valentine's social was sooo much fun. Although it wasn't salsa, Henry's and Claudia's performance was a-m-a-zing. It was so intimate and so touching. :)

As promised, here are the pics of the Angel Cake and Oreo truffles that I conjured up.

More updates are sure to come! (hopefully some really good news)
Mucho <3

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pursuit of Happiness :)

You know how when you lose things you start to frantically search everywhere? You retrace your steps, turn everything upside down, search high and low, and then you find it! It was in your pocket the entire time...
Yeah, well happiness is the same way. Everyone is always searching for happiness...the pursuit of happiness. Well, I've got news for you, there is NO key to happiness, because the door is always open. Stop searching, and just be happy! Fix your posture, smile, put your confidence face on and go out into the world. And if you need a little more help to make your happy mood last the entire day, HERE are 50 great tips and below is a so-cute-you-have-to-smile video!

Tomorrow is Hot Salsa Hot's Valentine's Salsa Social!! :)
For the social I'm making Oreo truffles (using Ghiradeli choc to dip in) covered with either crushed walnuts, oreo cookie (without the filling), or sprinkles. I will post up pictures tomorrow...hopefully. Meanwhile, checkout the 25 days of winter on my flickr account.

More updates to come Stay happy and keep smiling!
Mucho <3

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Passions and Inspirations

I had a pretty uneventful day in the sense of getting out of the house and going to random events, but I definitely had my share of stressful, anxious, nervous, frustrated, and annoyed moments. I had a few very important tasks I had to complete today. Moving on, I had my performance class from 8-10pm! It was so much fun...and I realize I really need to practice. haha

I had previously posted a blog entry about passions and inspirations. When you really have a passion for something and you are put in a moment where inspiration springs into action, your head just starts clicking and it's soon swarmed with magnificent and creative thoughts. If you love a particular sport and you watch other people play it, you have the urge to walk out there and play. For photographers, when you pass by something that catches your eyes, you just have to take a snap of it. Well, at the Latin Performance class today, we got a preview of a very captivating and very moving choreographed piece. The song set the mood and the pair took it away. In the middle of watching I had this urge and desire to make a video out of it and all of the sudden, I was thinking of different angles I can capture them from, settings I would like to take the video from, how I would cut video and add in pictures, etc. It was amazing! Now, all I need is a decent computer where I can actually do all that on. :P

And that's my story for today. :)

Stay tuned, more updates to come!
Mucho <3


Today, I had a fun, full day of learning! In photography class, we learned how to make prints out of our negatives. If you have never done this before, let me warn you now, the whole process is such a long and tedious procedure. From the fidgeting and fumbling around with the camera, trying to figure out the perfect aperture and shutter speed for each shot, to producing the negatives, to picking out and developing your final pictures. I may just like digital photography better for this reason, haha (jk). I can't wait until things become second nature to me. This class will be that much more enjoyable.

For my culinary class, we have moved on from practicing cuts on veggies to actually cooking. Today was starch day. We partnered up and each pair received two recipes to follow. And guess what? We did great! :)

Videos for you:

The embedding code has been disabled for the next video, so, I can only supply you with a link:
Love Story Meets Viva la Vida -- Jon Schmidt
Jon Schmidt starts talking at 6:07. And everything he says really captures and grasps the emotional roller coaster you really feel when listening to Love Story. It's not something you tend to think about, and especially with a pop song like Love Story, you don't think to look at deeper roots that Love Story reaches, but with the background music and his words, it all hits home. I dare you to hit replay after finishing it once. Feel the music, look at the passion from the pianist and the love from the cellist.

The same goes with the second video. Music is truly an art that connects humans as social animals through collective feelings. And the only way musicians can fully accomplish that is to truly feel the music themselves. The honest passion and love for what they do, feeds into the deeper emotion we connect to; whether it be, sadness, a sense of longing, joy, bliss, frustration, or just pure happiness.

Charice - Pyramid [featuring Iyaz]
Charice - Listen
Feel those sensations and and emotions twirling and singing inside of you? That's magic.

More updates to come!
Mucho <3

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Secret to amazing hair?
I spent all of high school using Pantene ProV shampoo and Pantene ProV conditioner, then I switched out the Pantene condition for Dove conditioner and eventually ended up trying Wen (I'm a sucker for those infomercials). After a long time coming and a cruise that forced me to buy something new, I followed my cousin's advice...*drum roll*...Aussie. It is the most amazing shampoo and conditioner EVER. Even by the end of the day, my hair is still fresh and softer than ever.

Secret to confidence?
Well, not all of us were born with that mighty confidence bone. But, the secret behind it all, is to just believe in what you do have and show it off. Confidence isn't a fashion show, an IQ exam, or anything of that sort, it is your time to show off what you got. So, it doesn't matter if you're having a bad day, or if you lack a little self-esteem and self-confidence (honestly, how many people think they're perfect?), because all you have to do is just work it. Walk with power, keep you're head held up up high with pride and smile as if you and everyone else around sees you as beautiful, hot and pretty. The difference between you and the pretty person next to you is how you present yourself and portray yourself. If you show people that you are unique and amazing, they will believe you.

Secret to losing weight?
I don't know how much I can stress it, but eat in moderation! Even when you're eating a healthier selection of foods, that doesn't mean you can eat like you're about to go into winter hibernation. Eat in moderation. If you have a sweet tooth, and you're craving that piece of chocolate, or a bowl of ice cream, that's fine! Just eat in moderation. It is important to keep in mind, that sweets and fatty foods may fulfill you're immediate cravings, however, sugar and salts tend to make you more thirsty and hungry in the long term. Finally, you must remember, you live in a world that has a seemingly endless variety of foods. So, do your best to pick something you like, but something that is healthier.

Now, when I say eat in moderation, that doesn't mean to stop before you're stuffed. It means, stop right before you think you're about to be full. As you wait and food starts to settle in your belly, you will feel more satisfied. This may be hard to get used to at first, but you will soon realize that your stomach is shrinking and that you get full on less amounts of food.

You don't get off that easily. You may lose a little weight just following those simple guidelines, but what will really make a difference is your daily exercise. This means parking your car farther down the parking lot, walking when ever you can instead of driving, and if you're really motivated, going to the gym or buying one of those home work-out videos. An easy way to keep yourself accountable is 1) telling people about your plans. Verbally stating your plans will put a little more pressure on yourself to own up to your words. 2) Go on the buddy system. Find a friend to keep you in-check.

Oh. and one of the most important things...do not eat after 8pm. If you're used to snacking all night long, like me, then start at 10pm for 2-4 days, then 9pm for 2-4 days and then 8pm! If you must have a snack, eat a few unsalted almonds, chew gum (such a good solution), eat some fruit or freeze OJ and have a Popsicle.

Eating less and in moderation + healthy eating + exercise = weight loss

That's enough secrets for now.
Stay happy, healthy and confident!

More updates to come!
Mucho <3

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

silent serenity

Have you ever had to drive exactly at the speed limit, not because someone is in front of you, but when you are on the road alone? Going 45 MPH during the work zones on the highway, 25 through neighborhoods, 40 through local roads? Well, today especially, on the way back from Latin Performance class, I did just that. At first...unbearable, but then, with the music dying down into the background, I stared into the vast openness surrounding me where endless roads lead into darkness, time seemed to slow down. Houses and trees passed by me, one..at...a...time, illuminated halations flew above me, one...at...a...time, and the piles of white snow stacked up on the side of the road never seem to end; the snow continued as far as the road and night sky.

Stay tuned, more updates to come!
Mucho <3