adj. experiencing or marked by ambivalence or a especially of emotions
~ Thanks to Merriam-webster Dictionary
I heard back from the Charles Schwab audition and I have great news!! I got the part in their print where I will most likely be the daughter of an Asian family. It will take place next Friday, most likely in the SoHo area of New York City. The rest of the details about wardrobe and the exact time and place will be given to me early next week. So, here is where I am conflicted. I just got another call from a different casting company where they want me to be featured in the film, MIB3. Unfortunately, they will need me for Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday. The only flexible day is Thursday, and the other three days are mandatory. The opportunity to be featured in such a major film would be an amazing experience that I wish I didn't have to turn down. I am trying my best to convince them to use me anyways, but it doesn't seem very promising. Before this email I was more conflicted about what I should do, but it's pretty clear now that there are no other options unless the casting company for MIB3 will be lenient about my situation.
Anyways, it's great that I finally got a role after auditioning for it and that I'm being recognized as a good candidate for a featured role in a film. Now, I'd like to proudly introduce someone dear to me. She is honestly one of the most talented, dedicated and passionate people who absolutely loves what she does. I believe that she will go far in everything she tries to pursue. It will be well worth your while to check her blog, flickr, and esty pages, which can all be found on her NEW website: Alice Gao Photography.
More updates are sure to come!
Mucho <3
when life meets reality...
mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r
to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings
** “Story #'s” **
posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Story #33: Onward
onwards [ˈɒnwədz], onward
Tomorrow I will be heading back to the big apple to provide my astounding services as an extra to the production and casting team on White Collar. I will be playing a party-goer as a guest to a person who owns a rich hipster mansion. I am asked to arrive at holding by 7am which means that the latest train I can take is the 5:37am train (to be safe, I think I will aim for the 5:19am train).
The status of the Aftra Union waiver and the role of being an FBI agent is still pending. Central Casting is still trying to figure it least this means they haven't forgotten about me! I have more great news...about an hour ago, I received an email stating that the production is interested in me being taking on a principal role for a commercial. As soon as I get the phone call from them, I will find out the audition time and let you guys know!
Meanwhile, I have found two amazing sites that you all should check out:
hitrRECord (started by Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
adv. at or towards a point or position ahead, in advance, etc.
~ Thanks to TheFreeDictionary
Tomorrow I will be heading back to the big apple to provide my astounding services as an extra to the production and casting team on White Collar. I will be playing a party-goer as a guest to a person who owns a rich hipster mansion. I am asked to arrive at holding by 7am which means that the latest train I can take is the 5:37am train (to be safe, I think I will aim for the 5:19am train).
The status of the Aftra Union waiver and the role of being an FBI agent is still pending. Central Casting is still trying to figure it least this means they haven't forgotten about me! I have more great news...about an hour ago, I received an email stating that the production is interested in me being taking on a principal role for a commercial. As soon as I get the phone call from them, I will find out the audition time and let you guys know!
Meanwhile, I have found two amazing sites that you all should check out:
hitrRECord (started by Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
Monday, April 25, 2011
Blessed Easter Weekend!! ♥
I hour late, but Happy Easter!! I had a wonderful weekend. I had the honor of spending it with one of my best friends and good company. And despite the on and off rainy weather in the grand state of New York, we made the best of everything. Saturday we cooked lunch, chilled and watched an amazing dance performance and went to an after party where we went absolutely crazy! The dance performance was held at the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater. It was an absolutely captivating experience where the dancers captured all the great qualities needed in a performance of that caliber - talent, passion, emotion, amazing music. As for the after party, let's just say, I have no problem partying without any alcohol, we tore that place up! Sunday, I made truffles at like 3:30am, woke up late, chilled, had a picnic, played board games, ordered in dinner and watched Wall-e. :p So...I definitely had a good weekend. Nothing's better than being able to get closer to people that you will always keep dear to your hearts for the rest of your life.
I hope you all had a great Easter weekend as well. Now that all these crazy weekends have passed, I can start getting back into shape. Over the past month, my non-stop eating habits have really took it's toll on my body. Time to start watching the amount of food I eat and get back on my Brazil Butt Lift program.
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
I hope you all had a great Easter weekend as well. Now that all these crazy weekends have passed, I can start getting back into shape. Over the past month, my non-stop eating habits have really took it's toll on my body. Time to start watching the amount of food I eat and get back on my Brazil Butt Lift program.
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Story #32: Wootwoot!
1. An expression one may utter in complete approval or joy.
"Woot Woot!" I said in agreement.
2. expression of simplistic ecstasy
i think he likes me! woot woot
3. an expression of absolute happiness, totally euphorism
Woot woot, it's my birthday!!
~ Thanks to Urban Dictionary
It was really interesting being able to work with Henry "Hank" Lawson (Mark Feurerstein), Evan R. Lawson (Paulo Costanzo) and Divya Katdare (Reshma Shetty) on the Royal Pains set. They were definitely not afraid to show their personality nor were they conceited up enough to have lunch on their own in their trailers. I think I dig that dorky look because Hank was definitely a cutie in my eyes. They were all portrayed pretty accurately on TV, sometimes actors look 10x worse or better in person in comparison to on the screen. Well, we basically shot one scene today - a bus/car accident in the middle of a festival for kids. I played a passenger on the slanted bus.
Moving on to more exciting news. Today I got two phone calls. The first one was about a call back for the Charles Schwab print ad - my first print ad! This will take place on Friday at 3:20pm. I will be portrayed as the daughter of an Asian family. Wish me luck!
Secondly, I got a call in regards to working as an FBI agent on a TV show. The lady mentioned something about getting a 30-day Aftra waiver for this too! AND if all goes well, I might be able to get a consistent job for this show as one of the FBI agents (most likely not a lead role, but at least I will have a consistent job!).
The news was definitely scaled down in excitement while writing this blog, but I can assure that it really is amazing news and that I was bouncing off the ceiling when I received them. These two weeks are going to be crazy!! :)
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
~ Thanks to Urban Dictionary
It was really interesting being able to work with Henry "Hank" Lawson (Mark Feurerstein), Evan R. Lawson (Paulo Costanzo) and Divya Katdare (Reshma Shetty) on the Royal Pains set. They were definitely not afraid to show their personality nor were they conceited up enough to have lunch on their own in their trailers. I think I dig that dorky look because Hank was definitely a cutie in my eyes. They were all portrayed pretty accurately on TV, sometimes actors look 10x worse or better in person in comparison to on the screen. Well, we basically shot one scene today - a bus/car accident in the middle of a festival for kids. I played a passenger on the slanted bus.
Moving on to more exciting news. Today I got two phone calls. The first one was about a call back for the Charles Schwab print ad - my first print ad! This will take place on Friday at 3:20pm. I will be portrayed as the daughter of an Asian family. Wish me luck!
Secondly, I got a call in regards to working as an FBI agent on a TV show. The lady mentioned something about getting a 30-day Aftra waiver for this too! AND if all goes well, I might be able to get a consistent job for this show as one of the FBI agents (most likely not a lead role, but at least I will have a consistent job!).
The news was definitely scaled down in excitement while writing this blog, but I can assure that it really is amazing news and that I was bouncing off the ceiling when I received them. These two weeks are going to be crazy!! :)
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Story #31: Spring Fling Craziness!!
SPEC Spring Fling organizes Spring Fling, the biggest (and best) college festival on the East Cost and a Penn tradition in existence for 35 years. Each April, nearly 10,000 students and their friends get a chance to revel in the sun before final exams begin. Food vendors, inflatables, live performances by student groups, local bands and much more fills the Quad. On Saturday night, Penn students enjoy more inflatables and games, a DJ party, and free food from their favorite vendors, including Magic Carpet, Chipotle, Capogiro Gelato, and Pat’s Cheesesteaks.
Spring Fling 2011 Recap
~ Thanks to SPEC's Website
Why hello all. Obviously there were huge gaps between posts...again, but all for good reason. It was Spring Fling weekend!! I got to see old college and even high school friends (small world!), I got to make new friends, and I partied it up all weekend long. This past weekend has probably been the most fun I've had in a long time. And the new happy memories I created were not merely moments that made me smile, but it actually put me in a happy state of mind. :)
Tomorrow I have an early morning call to do background work on Royal Pains...I'm starting to regret all the fried oreos, cheese steaks and ice cream I ate during the weekend. With summer season is just around the corner and I gotta look good for the beach! Anyone have good advice for me? :P
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
Spring Fling 2011 Recap
~ Thanks to SPEC's Website
Why hello all. Obviously there were huge gaps between posts...again, but all for good reason. It was Spring Fling weekend!! I got to see old college and even high school friends (small world!), I got to make new friends, and I partied it up all weekend long. This past weekend has probably been the most fun I've had in a long time. And the new happy memories I created were not merely moments that made me smile, but it actually put me in a happy state of mind. :)
Tomorrow I have an early morning call to do background work on Royal Pains...I'm starting to regret all the fried oreos, cheese steaks and ice cream I ate during the weekend. With summer season is just around the corner and I gotta look good for the beach! Anyone have good advice for me? :P
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Story #30: Overcoming obstacles
"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
~ Thanks to
I got a call from Ingrid French Management a few hours ago! They said I have an audition tomorrow for xfinity. I don't have any other details about it but I'm sure it will be fun. I will also be going to the open registration with Central Casting tomorrow. And after I finish my resume (it's so different than the usual resumes I'm used to making!), I will be sending my headshots and resume to 4 different places: a TV show, G.I. Joe II, The Bourne Legacy, and Wolverine. Wish me luck!! :)
I pray to God to give me the courage to persevere through all the judgments that I will be subjected to and the motivation and dedication to overcome the trials I may face. I ask my friends and families to help support me and trust in the decisions I make.
I am not sure if the path I am on will be the path I will continue to follow for the rest of my life, I do not know if what I am doing is "right", I can not guarantee that I will be even close to perfect, but what I can promise is that I will do my best in whatever I do. Whether if I stay on this road or take another, I will take each step with confidence and face each trial with courage; I will use each failure to make me stronger and take all my experience as a learning experience to create wisdom.

Last final note: Spring fling is this weekend!! It's a drunken weekend at my alma mater where one the largest east coast college parties is hosted. There will be entertainment all day, blow up games, fried oreos, ice cream, cheese steaks, fries, the whole shebang. It's going to be an amazing time where lots of entertaining stories will be made.
More updates to come!!
Mucho <3
~ Thanks to
I got a call from Ingrid French Management a few hours ago! They said I have an audition tomorrow for xfinity. I don't have any other details about it but I'm sure it will be fun. I will also be going to the open registration with Central Casting tomorrow. And after I finish my resume (it's so different than the usual resumes I'm used to making!), I will be sending my headshots and resume to 4 different places: a TV show, G.I. Joe II, The Bourne Legacy, and Wolverine. Wish me luck!! :)
I pray to God to give me the courage to persevere through all the judgments that I will be subjected to and the motivation and dedication to overcome the trials I may face. I ask my friends and families to help support me and trust in the decisions I make.
I am not sure if the path I am on will be the path I will continue to follow for the rest of my life, I do not know if what I am doing is "right", I can not guarantee that I will be even close to perfect, but what I can promise is that I will do my best in whatever I do. Whether if I stay on this road or take another, I will take each step with confidence and face each trial with courage; I will use each failure to make me stronger and take all my experience as a learning experience to create wisdom.
Last final note: Spring fling is this weekend!! It's a drunken weekend at my alma mater where one the largest east coast college parties is hosted. There will be entertainment all day, blow up games, fried oreos, ice cream, cheese steaks, fries, the whole shebang. It's going to be an amazing time where lots of entertaining stories will be made.
More updates to come!!
Mucho <3
Monday, April 11, 2011
Shhh! It's the Library!!
This is pretty old by now but I just heard the song response (the third video). For those who haven't heard of it, the first video is the original racist rant, the second video is a hilarious video response, and the third video is a crazy song response. Enjoy! :)
The Original - Asians in the Library - UCLA Student's Racist Rant
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
The Original - Asians in the Library - UCLA Student's Racist Rant
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
Friday, April 8, 2011
Story #29: Mood = Exhausted
–verb (used with object)
1. to drain of strength or energy, wear out, or fatigue greatly, as a person: I have exhausted myself working.
2. to use up or consume completely; expend the whole of: He exhausted a fortune in stock-market speculation.
~ Thanks to
I think all the traveling, early mornings, long nights and all the confusion/anticipation on what was going on in holding and on set is starting to take it's toll on me. I am...exhausted. My end of the week good news? I have 2 of 3 union waivers that I need to join SAG. I will be seen, somehow, somewhere on the New Year's Eve film. The last jobs I've had were all paid jobs. And most importantly, [although exhausted] I'm loving it! In terms of upcoming events, I have submitted myself for a whole mess of stuff for the next few weeks, so we'll see if I get anything. But right now, I have to decide if I want to audition for a lead part in a film...if I do, I need to get a 2-3minute monologue memorized and perfected by Monday. Wish me luck!
This is a little bit late and a few of you have already seen it, but here's a video I made for the two special people. Enjoy!
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
Story #28: Wishing upon a star
sidenote: this was from 3 days ago...
"When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you
If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do
(Fate is kind, she brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing)
Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you thru
When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true"
~ Writer: Leigh Harline; Lyrics: Ned Washington
First news, basically every day I have worked on the New Year's Eve film, I have the possibility of being on screen for one reason or another. And generally, it's my backside that will be seen. So, what's today's story? My dear friend and I walked across the camera during an important dialogue giving our backsides another opportunity to be seen again. On top of that shot and a few other small ones, my front side is seen during an important scene too! So, when the movie comes out, we'll just have to see if one of the shots over the past 5 days will come out in the final film!
I am wishing upon a star. A star of success. This "success" is elaborate, complicated but generally something that most people are looking for. For the most part I want to be happy and content with my life. Meaning that I am content with my financial situation, achievements, and through everything, remain humble, genuine, kind, loyal and generous. I believe that with these positive attributes, fortune will head your way. Paired up with these positive characteristics is a realistic ideal of honesty. Sometimes the truth hurts, but sometimes it's the best cure for denial. Other times it can raise even the dampest spirits and motivate others to pick themselves up and reach for those distant dreams. One thing these "personality" wishes don't cover are the physical wishes. These would incorporate always being a good daughter. And to always offer a hand so others trust and look to me for help. To work hard and to be competent so that I have the confidence to shine. Finally, to shine so brightly so that others recognize the strengths and talents that I have. These....these are the wishes, that I have.
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
"When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you
If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do
(Fate is kind, she brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing)
Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you thru
When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true"
~ Writer: Leigh Harline; Lyrics: Ned Washington
First news, basically every day I have worked on the New Year's Eve film, I have the possibility of being on screen for one reason or another. And generally, it's my backside that will be seen. So, what's today's story? My dear friend and I walked across the camera during an important dialogue giving our backsides another opportunity to be seen again. On top of that shot and a few other small ones, my front side is seen during an important scene too! So, when the movie comes out, we'll just have to see if one of the shots over the past 5 days will come out in the final film!
I am wishing upon a star. A star of success. This "success" is elaborate, complicated but generally something that most people are looking for. For the most part I want to be happy and content with my life. Meaning that I am content with my financial situation, achievements, and through everything, remain humble, genuine, kind, loyal and generous. I believe that with these positive attributes, fortune will head your way. Paired up with these positive characteristics is a realistic ideal of honesty. Sometimes the truth hurts, but sometimes it's the best cure for denial. Other times it can raise even the dampest spirits and motivate others to pick themselves up and reach for those distant dreams. One thing these "personality" wishes don't cover are the physical wishes. These would incorporate always being a good daughter. And to always offer a hand so others trust and look to me for help. To work hard and to be competent so that I have the confidence to shine. Finally, to shine so brightly so that others recognize the strengths and talents that I have. These....these are the wishes, that I have.
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
Monday, April 4, 2011
Story #27: On a roll!
1. experiencing a period of success or good luck They were on a roll, winning nine games in a row. With a growing economy and a dropping crime rate, the city has been on a roll. Related vocabulary: have a good thing going
2. talking for a period of time My mother loved to gossip, and she had a hard time stopping once she was on a roll.
Etymology: based on the idea that something which is rolling tends to continue rolling
~ Thanks to The Free Dictionary
I got my first union waiver today AND I'll be getting my second one tomorrow! They want me to come back for the same New Year's Eve shoot where I'll be playing a high school student again. We basically walked back and forth in the subway, sat on the portable holding area, or walked around. In fact, me and two other girls got mani's during our lunch time! :)
I was supposed to have an audition shoot for City National Bank at 1pm tomorrow but with the NYE shoot I ran into some conflicts. Fortunately, I was able to work around it and just send them some headshots and photos instead. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if they like them or not. Some more good news...I made some new friends and connections, so I will also be submitting my photos in to Jadeville films(?). One of their representatives asked if I was free to shoot another film that they are heading and if all works out, I might be able to get an actual speaking part!
Final note, I am thinking about going to LA for a couple of weeks over the summer! :)
More updates are sure to come!
Mucho <3
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Story #26: Happiness
The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself. ~Benjamin Franklin
~Thanks to The Quote Garden
In anticipation that tonight will be an early night for me, I am reporting back to you all now. My day at the Coca-Cola shoot consisted of stuffing my face with lots of free food and walking from point A to point B of a park for hours. I don't think I can disclose any specifics of the taping but I can say, the organization and communication of the agents working on the project was the worst I've seen so far. You'd have to be there to really understand why, but basically they don't follow through with their plans, instead they just wing it. And when you're working with a large production team for a major project, it's good to be creative, but you still should be concise with what you are trying to accomplish. Anyways, during our lunch break, I was contacted by Grant Wilfley Casting to work on the New Year's Eve film again, and I might even be able to get a waiver (to join SAG, I need a total of 3 waivers)! Only problem is that I have to be in NYC by 7am. I have to catch the 5:37am train...
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
~Thanks to The Quote Garden
In anticipation that tonight will be an early night for me, I am reporting back to you all now. My day at the Coca-Cola shoot consisted of stuffing my face with lots of free food and walking from point A to point B of a park for hours. I don't think I can disclose any specifics of the taping but I can say, the organization and communication of the agents working on the project was the worst I've seen so far. You'd have to be there to really understand why, but basically they don't follow through with their plans, instead they just wing it. And when you're working with a large production team for a major project, it's good to be creative, but you still should be concise with what you are trying to accomplish. Anyways, during our lunch break, I was contacted by Grant Wilfley Casting to work on the New Year's Eve film again, and I might even be able to get a waiver (to join SAG, I need a total of 3 waivers)! Only problem is that I have to be in NYC by 7am. I have to catch the 5:37am train...
More updates to come!
Mucho <3
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Story #25: Successful week
"Success is steady progress towards one's personal goals" ~Jim Rohn
~ Thanks to
Busy and tiring weeks are sometimes what a person needs to really see how much progress can be made in one's life. Half the journey is taking the first step and the other half is opening your mind and really allowing yourself to open up to the new experiences. The growth will become stagnant if you take the cautious, man-made path. But the possibilities become endless once you take a step to the right of it and begin your own journey.
I am so grateful to the blessing God has given me this week. Hard work definitely pays off and being able to see the great progress I have made within such a short amount of time is very encouraging. I would have to say that this was a pretty successful week.
So as some of you know, the past Tuesday I had an audition for an NYU student short film. I still haven't heard back, but I think I'm starting to get more comfortable in front of NYU students. I can't necessarily say the same thing for independent films that are not directed or produced by students. On Thursday, I had an audition for "The Last Intervention". I had the lines down pretty well before entering the audition room, but I definitely need to start practicing with a partner, because once you hear a different voice working with you as the second character instead of reading it silently to yourself, it really throws things off. At least the head person laughed during the audition, so hopefully that means he liked it. :P
Wednesday through Friday I was working as an extra on a "New Year's Eve" movie with (I don't know all their names but...) Abigail Breslin, Sarah Jessica Parker and Jake Austin. I was definitely in some main scenes and was visible on camera, but you never know if they're going to be cutting that part out. The first day we shot a scene where the crowd was watching the ball drop. Apparently there were highlights of some pretzel extravaganza and a boy being passed on top of the crowd, ultimately to meet up with his mother. The next day we did a scene at a restaurant where there were extras outside pretending that we were the NYE crowd (that's where I was) and obviously there were extras as waiters/waitresses and customers inside the restaurant. And the third day we were back at the ball dropping scene. But this time Jake Austin had a kissing scene and Sarah Jessica Parker and Abagail Breslin had a hugging scene. Thanks to my luck, I was right next to the two girls hugging (will I actually be seen, I have no idea). Also on the third day, there was a a scene where there was a side view of the crowd against the fence; cops and TSA workers roamed, the crowd was cheering and Sarah Jessica Parker was searching for Abagail. And some connections helped me get to a nice place where I would be seen on camera. With fingers crossed, hopefully this will give me some face time on camera! Now, feel special, I really only have told family and you guys. To be honest, it's not like I was starring in it so it's not that amazing; but, I have to start somewhere! :)
Here are some people I met from the NYE shoot:
Finally, tomorrow, Sunday, I have a background shoot for a Coca-Cola commercial. I'll let you know what we do and how it goes!
Although this week has been great in terms of how many auditions and casting roles I took part in, I feel the success remains in the great people and connections I've made. I really feel like I'm starting to get somewhere and that my foot is halfway in the door.
More updates are sure to come!
Mucho <3
~ Thanks to
Busy and tiring weeks are sometimes what a person needs to really see how much progress can be made in one's life. Half the journey is taking the first step and the other half is opening your mind and really allowing yourself to open up to the new experiences. The growth will become stagnant if you take the cautious, man-made path. But the possibilities become endless once you take a step to the right of it and begin your own journey.
I am so grateful to the blessing God has given me this week. Hard work definitely pays off and being able to see the great progress I have made within such a short amount of time is very encouraging. I would have to say that this was a pretty successful week.
So as some of you know, the past Tuesday I had an audition for an NYU student short film. I still haven't heard back, but I think I'm starting to get more comfortable in front of NYU students. I can't necessarily say the same thing for independent films that are not directed or produced by students. On Thursday, I had an audition for "The Last Intervention". I had the lines down pretty well before entering the audition room, but I definitely need to start practicing with a partner, because once you hear a different voice working with you as the second character instead of reading it silently to yourself, it really throws things off. At least the head person laughed during the audition, so hopefully that means he liked it. :P
Wednesday through Friday I was working as an extra on a "New Year's Eve" movie with (I don't know all their names but...) Abigail Breslin, Sarah Jessica Parker and Jake Austin. I was definitely in some main scenes and was visible on camera, but you never know if they're going to be cutting that part out. The first day we shot a scene where the crowd was watching the ball drop. Apparently there were highlights of some pretzel extravaganza and a boy being passed on top of the crowd, ultimately to meet up with his mother. The next day we did a scene at a restaurant where there were extras outside pretending that we were the NYE crowd (that's where I was) and obviously there were extras as waiters/waitresses and customers inside the restaurant. And the third day we were back at the ball dropping scene. But this time Jake Austin had a kissing scene and Sarah Jessica Parker and Abagail Breslin had a hugging scene. Thanks to my luck, I was right next to the two girls hugging (will I actually be seen, I have no idea). Also on the third day, there was a a scene where there was a side view of the crowd against the fence; cops and TSA workers roamed, the crowd was cheering and Sarah Jessica Parker was searching for Abagail. And some connections helped me get to a nice place where I would be seen on camera. With fingers crossed, hopefully this will give me some face time on camera! Now, feel special, I really only have told family and you guys. To be honest, it's not like I was starring in it so it's not that amazing; but, I have to start somewhere! :)
Here are some people I met from the NYE shoot:
Finally, tomorrow, Sunday, I have a background shoot for a Coca-Cola commercial. I'll let you know what we do and how it goes!
Although this week has been great in terms of how many auditions and casting roles I took part in, I feel the success remains in the great people and connections I've made. I really feel like I'm starting to get somewhere and that my foot is halfway in the door.
More updates are sure to come!
Mucho <3
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