when life meets reality...

mysterious encounters r déjà vu r serendipity moments r mistakes r opportunities r

to forgive and forget r awkward silences r laughter r joyful tears r love r hopeful comings

** “Story #'s” **

posts that focus on the major movements of my life. They are the stories that make up the journey: When life meets reality.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Blessed Easter Weekend!! ♥

I know...an hour late, but Happy Easter!! I had a wonderful weekend. I had the honor of spending it with one of my best friends and good company. And despite the on and off rainy weather in the grand state of New York, we made the best of everything. Saturday we cooked lunch, chilled and watched an amazing dance performance and went to an after party where we went absolutely crazy! The dance performance was held at the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater. It was an absolutely captivating experience where the dancers captured all the great qualities needed in a performance of that caliber - talent, passion, emotion, amazing music. As for the after party, let's just say, I have no problem partying without any alcohol, we tore that place up! Sunday, I made truffles at like 3:30am, woke up late, chilled, had a picnic, played board games, ordered in dinner and watched Wall-e. :p So...I definitely had a good weekend. Nothing's better than being able to get closer to people that you will always keep dear to your hearts for the rest of your life.

I hope you all had a great Easter weekend as well. Now that all these crazy weekends have passed, I can start getting back into shape. Over the past month, my non-stop eating habits have really took it's toll on my body. Time to start watching the amount of food I eat and get back on my Brazil Butt Lift program.

More updates to come!
Mucho <3

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